Data Structures

The following table explains the purpose of each of the three primary data structures that Open Data Services uses to maintain information about the status of the Open Data Services server application and each connected client process.

Structure Contains
SRV_CONFIG Configuration information about the Open Data Services server application process, such as the maximum number of client connections to allow. This structure is examined when the Open Data Services server application is initialized using srv_init. SRV_CONFIG is similar to the DB-Library LOGINREC structure.
SRV_PROC Information about the client process. The SRV_PROC structure holds information such as the client's current connection status, the version of the SQL Server tabular data stream (TDS) protocol being used, the client's login information, and the Open Data Services server application name. Each client connected to the Open Data Services server application has its own SRV_PROC structure. This structure corresponds to the DB-Library DBPROCESS structure. You can examine the contents of this structure using the srv_pfield function.
SRV_SERVER Server-wide information for the Open Data Services server application. This structure includes the current status, the server name, and the event handler. You can examine the contents of this structure using the srv_sfield function.