
This appendix lists the Open Data Services datatypes. To use these datatypes, include the SRV.H header file in your program.

With Open Data Services, you can describe and return data of text and image datatypes. However, because Open Data Services does not support pointers, it can not support DB-Library functions that require pointers (for example, dbmoretext, dbwritetext, and dbtxtptr). DB-Library clients can bind and receive data of these types as long as they receive them using the non-text DB-Library functions.

SQL Server can send the following datatypes to an Open Data Services server application as part of a remote stored procedure call:

A hard-coded NULL passed to a remote stored procedure parameter or an extended stored procedure parameter is received by an Open Data Services application with the datatype SRVNULL. In the following example, the second parameter of the remote stored procedure p1 is received as a parameter of type SRVNULL to the Open Data Services rmt_srv application:

exec rmt_srv...p1 'arg1',null,'arg3'

A NULL value stored in a local variable and passed to a remote stored procedure parameter or an extended stored procedure parameter is received by an Open Data Services application with the datatype of the local variable. In the following example, the second parameter of the remote stored procedure p1 is received as a parameter of type SRVINTN by the Open Data Services rmt_srv application:

declare @v1 int
select @v1 = NULL
exec rmt_srv...p1 'arg1',@v1,'arg3'

For a detailed description of SQL Server datatypes, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference; for a detailed description of DB-Library datatypes, see the Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C.

These are the Open Data Services datatypes:

Datatype Description
SRVCHAR Character datatype
SRVVARCHAR Variable-length character datatype
SRVBINARY Binary datatype
SRVVARBINARY Variable-length binary datatype
SRVINT1 1-byte tinyint datatype
SRVINT2 2-byte smallint datatype
SRVINT4 4-byte int datatype
SRVINTN Tinyint, smallint, or int datatype, null values allowed
SRVBIT Bit datatype
SRVDECIMAL Decimal datatype
SRVDECIMALN Decimal datatype, null values allowed
SRVNUMERIC numeric datatype
SRVNUMERICN numeric datatype, null values allowed
SRVMONEY4 4-byte smallmoney datatype
SRVMONEY 8-byte money datatype
SRVMONEYN Smallmoney or money datatype, null values allowed
SRVFLT4 4-byte real datatype
SRVFLT8 8-byte float datatype
SRVFLTN Real or float datatype, null values allowed
SRVDATETIM4 4-byte smalldatetime datatype
SRVDATETIME 8-byte datetime datatype
SRVDATETIMN Smalldatetime or datetime datatype, null values allowed
srvimage Image datatype
srvtext Text datatype

Open Data Services applications also use the same datatype definitions as DB-Library functions. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C.