SQL Server Books Online
The setup program gives you the option of installing Microsoft SQL Server Books Online. If you choose this option, setup adds the Books Online icon to the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group. By choosing this icon, you can access online versions of the SQL Server documentation.
Important SQL Server Books Online contains the most up-to-date information about SQL Server 6.0, including information that changed or was unavailable when the SQL Server 6.0 books were printed.
Microsoft SQL Server System Administrator's Companion
Incorporates configuration, administration, and troubleshooting topics. Describes server and client configuration. Explains system administration tasks, such as managing devices and databases, backing up and recovering data, performing replication, scheduling tasks, managing security, and monitoring performance. Describes error conditions and gives troubleshooting procedures.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Developer's Companion
Provides an overview of Transact-SQL, which is an enhanced version of SQL (structured query language). Discusses managing data and database objects, such as tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, defaults, rules, constraints, and user-defined datatypes.
Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference
Explains how to use Transact-SQL statements and other features to access databases, and provides syntax and descriptions for Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, utility programs, and system tables.
Microsoft SQL Server Setup
An online version of this book, which provides instructions for installing SQL Server 6.0 servers and clients.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming SQL Distributed Management Objects
Provides syntax and reference information for the SQL Distributed Management Objects, which are 32-bit OLE Automation objects for the Microsoft Windows® 95 and Windows NT™ operating systems. These objects, properties, methods, and collections are used to write scripts and programs that can administer multiple SQL Servers distributed across a network.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C
Provides syntax and reference information for the DB-Library application programming interface (API), which is used to write C/C++ client programs for the Microsoft Windows®, Windows 95, Windows NT, and MS-DOS® operating systems.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for Visual Basic
Provides syntax and reference information for the DB-Library API, which is used to write Microsoft® Visual Basic® programming system-based client programs for the Windows operating system.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming Open Data Services
Provides syntax and reference information for the Microsoft Open Data Services API, which is used to write C/C++ server and gateway programs for the Windows NT operating system.