Upgrading from SQL Server 4.2x

You can upgrade Microsoft SQL Server 4.2x on a Windows NT-based computer to SQL Server 6.0 by using the following instructions.

For information on upgrading from SQL Server 4.2 for OS/2, see Upgrading from SQL Server for OS/2, later in this chapter.

    To upgrade Microsoft SQL Server 4.2x to SQL Server 6.0
  1. Complete the upgrade prerequisites described earlier in "Before Upgrading" and Running the CHKUPG.EXE Utility.
  2. From the directory containing the software compatible with your hardware platform's processor architecture (Intel, Alpha AXP, or MIPS), run SETUP.EXE and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. If you are installing the software on a remote computer, when the Options dialog box appears, choose the Remote button, complete the Remote Setup dialog box, and then choose the OK button.

    If you are installing the software on the local computer, skip this step.

  4. From the Options dialog box, select the Upgrade SQL Server option, and then choose the Continue button.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions. You can choose the Help button or press f1 to access the setup program's online Help.

    For information about each option presented during installation, see Chapter 3, Server Options.

Regardless of which networks you've configured SQL Server to listen on, the setup program always uses named pipes when connecting to the server during an upgrade. (Named pipes work between Windows NT - based computers no matter which network transport they are running.)

Important If the DB-Library software on the computer from which the setup program was started is configured to use an IPC mechanism other than named pipes, the setup program temporarily changes the default network to named pipes. If in the rare case that setup terminates unexpectedly without restoring the original default network value, you might need to reset this value yourself by using the SQL Server Client Configuration Utility. In addition, if you've been starting SQL Server on an alternate pipe or have disabled named pipes altogether, you must temporarily reconfigure SQL Server to listen on the standard pipe (\\.\pipe\sql\query) before beginning the upgrade.

After completing the upgrade and rebooting the server computer, check your Windows NT search path (path) to be sure that the \SQL\BINN directory precedes any \SQL\BIN or \SQL\BINP directories used for earlier versions of SQL Server. If the server computer has multiple versions of SQL Server components, checking that \SQL\BINN appears first in the path ensures that the current Windows NT - based version is the one that will run.

    To check your Windows NT search path

After the server is upgraded, you may need to perform several configuration tasks, such as setting server configuration parameters, setting security parameters, and registering the server and adding it to a server group. For details, see Configuring SQL Server, later in this chapter.