Client Utilities

Microsoft SQL Server includes several client utilities, which are used for specific database and network tasks. Although the client utilities are always installed on the server during a new installation, they can also be installed on a 32-bit workstation independent of the server software. When you install the client software independent of the server software, the setup program always installs the client support libraries, such as DB-Library. Some of the utilities, however, are optional.

These are the client utility installation choices:

Installs the bulk copy utility (bcp), used to copy data to or from an operating-system file.
Installs both versions of the isql utility (ISQL/w and isql), used to enter Transact-SQL commands and procedures.
SQL Enterprise Manager
Installs SQL Enterprise Manager, used to perform server and enterprise administration tasks.
SQL Security Manager
Installs SQL Security Manager, used to manage user accounts for SQL Servers that have security integration with Windows NT.
Configuration Diagnostics
Installs the following configuration utilities:
SQL Client Configuration Utility
Used to determine which version of DB-Library is installed on a client and to set up SQL Server connection information on a client.
Used to test if network named pipes are working.

For more information about using these client utilities, see the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion and the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.