
These values correspond to the Net-Libraries that a user selects in the Select Network Protocols dialog box of the setup program and to the values a user types in the individual dialog boxes that subsequently appear for each selected Net Library.

A Net-Library is specified by entering the Net-Library name in the NetLibList. The NetLibList is entered in the format: {"NetLib1","NetLib2", ...}. Each Net-Library name is enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas. No spaces are allowed after a comma. For example:


The named pipes Net-Library must always be entered, because during installation it is used by setup. If needed, named pipe support can be removed after installation. One or more other Net-Libraries can also be entered. For each Net-Library entered, the corresponding parameter value must be provided. For example, if you enter SSMSRP60 in the NetLibList, you must also provide a MultiProtEncrypt entry.

Entry Description Value
NetLibList List of Net-Libraries to load (1) One or more Net-Library names (1) Entered as:
{"NetLib1","NetLib2", ...}
ServerNMPipe The named pipe name (2,3)
MultiProtEncrypt Sets server-enforced encryption (2,4) CHECKED | NOTCHECKED
SPXServiceName SPX service name (2,5)
TCPIPSocketNumber TCP/IP socket number (2,6)
ADSPObjectName ADSP object name (2,7)
VinesStreetName Banyan VINES street name (2,)
DecNetObjectID DECnet object ID (2,8)
1. See the table that follows for Net-Library values.

2.     For information about valid parameters to enter for each Net-Library, see the Microsoft SQL
    Server Administrator's Companion

3. The default named pipe name is \\.\pipe\sql\query.

4. The default Multi-Protocol encryption setting is NOTCHECKED.

5. The default SPX service name is the computer name.

6. The default TCP/IP socket number is 1433.

7. The default ADSP object name is the computer name.

8. The default DECnet object ID is 150.

These are the valid NetLibList entries:

NetLibList Entry Is Net-Library for Associated Value
SSNMPN60 Named Pipes ServerNMPipe
SSMSRP60 Multi-Protocol MultiProtEncrypt
SSMSSP60 NWLink IPX/SPX ServiceName
SSMSS060 TCP/IP Sockets TCPIPSocketNumber
SSMSAD60 AppleTalk ADSP ADSPObjectName
SSMSVI60 Banyan VINES StreetName
SSMSDE60 DECnet Sockets DecNetObjectID