Performing an Unattended Installation

To perform an unattended installation, run SETUP.EXE from the command line using the following syntax:

setup /t IniFilePath = filename

where filename is a fully qualified filename, including the path. The path can be a local path or a redirected path to a network drive, but it cannot be a UNC path. Note that IniFilePath is case-sensitive and must be typed with the capitalization exactly as shown. There must be a space on each side of the equal sign ( = ).

For example, if you have created an initialization file named MYPC.INI and have saved it on drive E: in the \SETINI directory, from the directory containing the setup program for the server's processor architecture (that is, Intel, MIPS, or Alpha AXP), you would type:

setup /t IniFilePath = e:\setini\mypc.ini

After installation delete the setup initialization file, since it contains the password for the SQL Executive service logon account.