When a SQL-DMO operation fails, it returns an error number and description. This error can be one of the following:
Each SQL-DMO error number has a SQLOLE_E_ERROR error constant. Use these SQL-DMO error constants (instead of hard-coded error numbers) in your program.
SQL-DMO errors are grouped into categories. Each category has a SQLOLE_ECAT_CATEGORY category constant. To get the category constant, binary And the SQL-DMO error number with SQLOLE_ECAT_MASK.
The following table describes each error category:
SQL-DMO Error Category | Description |
SQLOLE_ECAT_INVALIDCONTEXT | The requested operation is not valid in the current context. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_INVALIDOBJECT | The SQL-DMO object is no longer valid. |
The attempt to add a new SQL-DMO object to a collection failed because the properties of the new object were set incorrectly or incompletely. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_INVALIDPARAMETER | An invalid parameter was passed to a method or property. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_INVALIDPLATFORM | The client or SQL Server platform does not support the requested operation. The version of SQL Server is not supported, the SQL-DMO stored procedures are not properly installed, or the client platform is not supported. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_ITEMNOTFOUND | The object name passed to a collection was not found, or the ordinal value passed to a collection was out of range. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_UNPRIVILEGEDLOGIN | The current login ID does not have sufficient privilege to perform the requested operation. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_EXECUTION | An error occurred when executing a Transact-SQL query. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_CONNECTION | The connection to SQL Server was broken and cannot be restored. |
SQLOLE_ECAT_RESOURCE | The client or SQL Server does not have sufficient resources to perform the requested operation. |
By default, any SQL-DMO run-time error that occurs is fatal. This will stop execution of your Visual Basic program and display an error message. To handle SQL-DMO run-time errors in your program, you must use an On Error statement.
If your version of Visual Basic supports early, vtable-binding, then it supports the Visual Basic Err object, which is used to return SQL-DMO run-time error information to the program. The Err object includes properties that can be used as shown in the following table:
Use | To Get |
Err.Number - vbObjectError | SQL-DMO error number |
Err.Description | SQL-DMO error description |
Err.Source | SQL-DMO component name |
Note that you must subtract the Visual Basic constant vbObjectError from the Err.Number property to get the SQL-DMO error number.
For example:
On Error Resume Next oSQLServer.Connect "myserver", "mylogin", "mypassword" If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Source & " Error " & _ Err.Number - vbObjectError & ": " & _ Err.Description End If
DispID-binding, late-binding
If your version of Visual Basic supports dispID-binding or late-binding, then it supports the Err and Error functions, which are used to return SQL-DMO run-time error information to the program. The Err function returns the SQL-DMO error number, and the Error function returns the description of the SQL-DMO error.
For example:
On Error Resume Next oSQLServer.Connect "myserver", "mylogin", "mypassword" If Err <> 0 Then Debug.Print "SQL-DMO Error " & Err & ": " & Error(Err) End If
You should use the OLE macros SUCCEEDED(hr) and FAILED(hr) with the HRESULT hr returned by a SQL-DMO function to determine if that SQL-DMO function was successful.
For example, to use the FAILED macro:
if FAILED (hr = pSQLServer->Connect (TEXT("myserver"), TEXT("mylogin"), TEXT("mypassword"))) { // Connection to SQL Server failed } else { // Established connection to SQL Server // Use pSQLServer object }
To use the SUCCEEDED macro:
if SUCCEEDED (hr = pSQLServer->Connect (TEXT("myserver"), TEXT("mylogin"), TEXT("mypassword"))) { // Established connection to SQL Server // Use pSQLServer object } else { // Connection to SQL Server failed }
Use the OLE macros HRESULT_CODE(hr) or SCODE_CODE(hr) to get the SQL-DMO error number from the HRESULT hr returned by a SQL-DMO function.
Use the SQL-DMO macro SQLOLE_ECAT(hr) to get the SQL-DMO error category from the HRESULT hr returned by a SQL-DMO function that failed.
SQL-DMO supports the OLE IErrorInfo interface for passing rich error information back to the program. Use the following steps to get rich SQL-DMO error information:
For example:
if FAILED(hr = pSQLServer->Connect (TEXT("myserver"), TEXT("mylogin"), TEXT("mypassword"))) { // Connection to SQL Server failed // Get OLE ErrorInfo object LPERRORINFO pErrorInfo = NULL; GetErrorInfo (0, &pErrorInfo); // Get SQL-DMO error information BSTR strDescription, strSource; pErrorInfo->GetDescription (&strDescription); pErrorInfo->GetSource (&strSource); // Display SQL-DMO error information // The SQL-DMO error code is HRESULT_CODE(hr) pErrorInfo->Release (); SysFreeString (strDescription); SysFreeString (strSource); }