The pubs sample Database

authors Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

au_id id no yes (1) PK, clust.
au_lname varchar(40) no Composite, nonclust. (3)
au_fname varchar(20) no Composite, nonclust. (3)
phone char(12) no 'UNKNOWN'
address varchar(40) yes
city varchar(20) yes
state char(2) yes
zip char(5) yes yes (2)
contract bit no
(1)    The au_id CHECK constraint is defined as (au_id LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').

(2)    The zip CHECK constraint is defined as (zip LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').

(3)    The composite, nonclustered index is defined on au_lname, au_fname.

The following tables show the contents of the authors table. The first column (au_id) is repeated in the lower listing, along with columns #5 through #9. Column #1 is repeated for readability purposes only.

au_id (#1) au_lname (#2) au_fname (#3) phone (#4)

172-32-1176 White Johnson 408 496-7223
213-46-8915 Green Marjorie 415 986-7020
238-95-7766 Carson Cheryl 415 548-7723
267-41-2394 O'Leary Michael 408 286-2428
274-80-9391 Straight Dean 415 834-2919
341-22-1782 Smith Meander 913 843-0462
409-56-7008 Bennet Abraham 415 658-9932
427-17-2319 Dull Ann 415 836-7128
472-27-2349 Gringlesby Burt 707 938-6445
486-29-1786 Locksley Charlene 415 585-4620
527-72-3246 Greene Morningstar 615 297-2723
648-92-1872 Blotchet-Halls Reginald 503 745-6402
672-71-3249 Yokomoto Akiko 415 935-4228
712-45-1867 del Castillo Innes 615 996-8275
722-51-5454 DeFrance Michel 219 547-9982
724-08-9931 Stringer Dirk 415 843-2991
724-80-9391 MacFeather Stearns 415 354-7128
756-30-7391 Karsen Livia 415 534-9219
807-91-6654 Panteley Sylvia 301 946-8853
846-92-7186 Hunter Sheryl 415 836-7128
893-72-1158 McBadden Heather 707 448-4982
899-46-2035 Ringer Anne 801 826-0752
998-72-3567 Ringer Albert 801 826-0752

au_id (#1) address (#5) city (#6) state (#7) zip (#8) contract (#9)

172-32-1176 10932 Bigge Rd. Menlo Park CA 94025 1
213-46-8915 309 63rd St. #411 Oakland CA 94618 1
238-95-7766 589 Darwin Ln. Berkeley CA 94705 1
267-41-2394 22 Cleveland Av. #14 San Jose CA 95128 1
274-80-9391 5420 College Av. Oakland CA 94609 1
341-22-1782 10 Mississippi Dr. Lawrence KS 66044 0
409-56-7008 6223 Bateman St. Berkeley CA 94705 1
427-17-2319 3410 Blonde St. Palo Alto CA 94301 1
472-27-2349 PO Box 792 Covelo CA 95428 1
486-29-1786 18 Broadway Av. San Francisco CA 94130 1
527-72-3246 22 Graybar House Rd. Nashville TN 37215 0
648-92-1872 55 Hillsdale Bl. Corvallis OR 97330 1
672-71-3249 3 Silver Ct. Walnut Creek CA 94595 1
712-45-1867 2286 Cram Pl. #86 Ann Arbor MI 48105 1
722-51-5454 3 Balding Pl. Gary IN 46403 1
724-08-9931 5420 Telegraph Av. Oakland CA 94609 0
724-80-9391 44 Upland Hts. Oakland CA 94612 1
756-30-7391 5720 McAuley St. Oakland CA 94609 1
807-91-6654 1956 Arlington Pl. Rockville MD 20853 1
846-92-7186 3410 Blonde St. Palo Alto CA 94301 1
893-72-1158 301 Putnam Vacaville CA 95688 0
899-46-2035 67 Seventh Av. Salt Lake City UT 84152 1
998-72-3567 67 Seventh Av. Salt Lake City UT 84152 1

discounts Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

discounttype varchar(40) no
stor_id char(4) yes FK stores(stor_id)
lowqty smallint yes
highqty smallint yes
discount float no

discounttype stor_id lowqty highqty discount

Initial Customer NULL NULL NULL 10.5
Volume Discount NULL 100 1000 6.7
Customer Discount 8042 NULL NULL 5.0

employee Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

emp_id empid no yes (1) PK, nonclust.
fname varchar(20) no Composite, clust. (2)
minit char(1) yes Composite, clust. (2)
lname varchar(30) no Composite, clust. (2)
job_id smallint no 1 FK jobs(job_id)
job_lvl tinyint no 10
pub_id char(4) no '9952' FK publishers(pub_id)
hire_date datetime no GETDATE( )

(1)    The CHECK constraint is defined as (emp_id LIKE '[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]') OR
(emp_id LIKE '[A-Z]-[A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]')

(2)    The composite, clustered index is defined on lname, fname, minit.

The following tables show the contents of the authors table. The first column (emp_id) is repeated in the lower listing, along with columns #6 through #8. Column #1 is repeated for readability purposes only.

emp_id (#1) fname (#2) minit (#3) lname (#4) job_id (#5)

PMA42628M Paolo M Accorti 13
PSA89086M Pedro S Alfonso 14
VPA30890F Victoria P Ashworth 6
H-B39728F Helen NULL Bennett 12
L-B31947F Lesley NULL Brown 7
F-C16315M Francisco NULL Chang 4
PTC11962M Philip T Cramer 2
A-C71970F Aria NULL Cruz 10
AMD15433F Ann M Devon 3
ARD36773F Anabela R Domingues 8
PHF38899M Peter H Franken 10
PXH22250M Paul X Henriot 5
CFH28514M Carlos F Hernández 5
PDI47470M Palle D Ibsen 7
KJJ92907F Karla J Jablonski 9
KFJ64308F Karin F Josephs 14
MGK44605M Matti G Karttunen 6
POK93028M Pirkko O Koskitalo 10
JYL26161F Janine Y Labrune 5
M-L67958F Maria NULL Larsson 7
Y-L77953M Yoshi NULL Latimer 12
LAL21447M Laurence A Lebihan 5
ENL44273F Elizabeth N Lincoln 14
PCM98509F Patricia C McKenna 11
R-M53550M Roland NULL Mendel 11
RBM23061F Rita B Müller 5
HAN90777M Helvetius A Nagy 7
TPO55093M Timothy P O'Rourke 13
SKO22412M Sven K Ottlieb 5
MAP77183M Miguel A Paolino 11
PSP68661F Paula S Parente 8
M-P91209M Manuel NULL Pereira 8
MJP25939M Maria J Pontes 5
M-R38834F Martine NULL Rancé 9
DWR65030M Diego W Roel 6
A-R89858F Annette NULL Roulet 6
MMS49649F Mary M Saveley 8
CGS88322F Carine G Schmitt 13
MAS70474F Margaret A Smith 9
HAS54740M Howard A Snyder 12
MFS52347M Martín F Sommer 10
GHT50241M Gary H Thomas 9
DBT39435M Daniel B Tonini 11

emp_id (#1) job_lvl (#6) pub_id (#7) hire_date (#8)

PMA42628M 35 0877 Aug 27 1992 12:00AM
PSA89086M 89 1389 Dec 24 1990 12:00AM
VPA30890F 140 0877 Sep 13 1990 12:00AM
H-B39728F 35 0877 Sep 21 1989 12:00AM
L-B31947F 120 0877 Feb 13 1991 12:00AM
F-C16315M 227 9952 Nov 3 1990 12:00AM
PTC11962M 215 9952 Nov 11 1989 12:00AM
A-C71970F 87 1389 Oct 26 1991 12:00AM
AMD15433F 200 9952 Jul 16 1991 12:00AM
ARD36773F 100 0877 Jan 27 1993 12:00AM
PHF38899M 75 0877 May 17 1992 12:00AM
PXH22250M 159 0877 Aug 19 1993 12:00AM
CFH28514M 211 9999 Apr 21 1989 12:00AM
PDI47470M 195 0736 May 9 1993 12:00AM
KJJ92907F 170 9999 Mar 11 1994 12:00AM
KFJ64308F 100 0736 Oct 17 1992 12:00AM
MGK44605M 220 0736 May 1 1994 12:00AM
POK93028M 80 9999 Nov 29 1993 12:00AM
JYL26161F 172 9901 May 26 1991 12:00AM
M-L67958F 135 1389 Mar 27 1992 12:00AM
Y-L77953M 32 1389 Jun 11 1989 12:00AM
LAL21447M 175 0736 Jun 3 1990 12:00AM
ENL44273F 35 0877 Jul 24 1990 12:00AM
PCM98509F 150 9999 Aug 1 1989 12:00AM
R-M53550M 150 0736 Sep 5 1991 12:00AM
RBM23061F 198 1622 Oct 9 1993 12:00AM
HAN90777M 120 9999 Mar 19 1993 12:00AM
TPO55093M 100 0736 Jun 19 1988 12:00AM
SKO22412M 150 1389 Apr 5 1991 12:00AM
MAP77183M 112 1389 Dec 7 1992 12:00AM
PSP68661F 125 1389 Jan 19 1994 12:00AM
M-P91209M 101 9999 Jan 9 1989 12:00AM
MJP25939M 246 1756 Mar 1 1989 12:00AM
M-R38834F 75 0877 Feb 5 1992 12:00AM
DWR65030M 192 1389 Dec 16 1991 12:00AM
A-R89858F 152 9999 Feb 21 1990 12:00AM
MMS49649F 175 0736 Jun 29 1993 12:00AM
CGS88322F 64 1389 Jul 7 1992 12:00AM
MAS70474F 78 1389 Sep 29 1988 12:00AM
HAS54740M 100 0736 Nov 19 1988 12:00AM
MFS52347M 165 0736 Apr 13 1990 12:00AM
GHT50241M 170 0736 Aug 9 1988 12:00AM
DBT39435M 75 0877 Jan 1 1990 12:00AM

jobs Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

job_id smallint no IDENTITY(1,1) PK, clust.
job_desc varchar(50) no yes (1)
min_lvl tinyint no yes (2)
max_lvl tinyint no yes (3)

job_id job_desc min_lvl max_lvl

1 New Hire ¾ Job not specified 10 10
2 Chief Executive Officer 200 250
3 Business Operations Manager 175 225
4 Chief Financial Officier 175 250
5 Publisher 150 250
6 Managing Editor 140 225
7 Marketing Manager 120 200
8 Public Relations Manager 100 175
9 Acquisitions Manager 75 175
10 Productions Manager 75 165
11 Operations Manager 75 150
12 Editor 25 100
13 Sales Representative 25 100
14 Designer 25 100
(1)    The DEFAULT constraint is defined as ("New Position ¾ title not formalized yet").

(2)    The min_lvl CHECK constraint is defined as (min_lvl >= 10).

(3)    The max_lvl CHECK constraint is defined as (max_lvl <= 250).

pub_info Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

pub_id char(4) no PK, clust., FK publishers(pub_id)
logo image yes
pr_info text yes

pub_id logo (1) pr_info (2)

0736 NEWMOON.BMP This is sample text data for New Moon Books, publisher 0736 in the pubs
database. New Moon Books is located in Boston, Massachusettes.
0877 BINNET.BMP This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs
database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C.
1389 ALGODATA.BMP This is sample text data for Algodata Infosystems, publisher 1389 in the pubs
database. Algodata Infosystems is located in Berkeley, California.
1622 5LAKES.BMP This is sample text data for Five Lakes Publishing, publisher 1622 in the pubs
database. Five Lakes Publishing is located in Chicago, Illinois.
1756 RAMONA.BMP This is sample text data for Ramona Publishers, publisher 1756 in the pubs
database. Ramona Publishers is located in Dallas, Texas.
9901 GGGG.BMP This is sample text data for GGG&G, publisher 9901 in the pubs database.
GGG&G is located in München, Germany.
9952 SCOOTNEY.BMP This is sample text data for Scootney Books, publisher 9952 in the pubs
database. Scootney Books is located in New York City, New York.
9999 LUCERNE.BMP This is sample text data for Lucerne Publishing, publisher 9999 in the pubs
database. Lucerne Publishing is located in Paris, France.
(1)    The information shown here is NOT the actual data. It is the filename from which the bitmap (image data) was loaded.

(2)    The text shown here is NOT the complete text data. When displaying text data the display is limited to a finite number of characters. This information shows the first 120 characters of the text column.

publishers Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

pub_id char(4) no yes (1) PK, clust.
pub_name varchar(40) yes
city varchar(20) yes
state char(2) yes
country varchar(30) yes 'USA'
(1)    The pub_id CHECK constraint is defined as (pub_id = '1756' OR (pub_id = '1622' OR (pub_id ='0877'
OR (pub_id = '0736' OR (pub_id = '1389')))) OR (pub_id LIKE '99[0-9][0-0]').

pub_id pub_name city state country

0736 New Moon Books Boston MA USA
0877 Binnet & Hardley Washington DC USA
1389 Algodata Infosystems Berkeley CA USA
1622 Five Lakes Publishing Chicago IL USA
1756 Ramona Publishers Dallas TX USA
9901 GGG&G München NULL Germany
9952 Scootney Books New York NY USA
9999 Lucerne Publishing Paris NULL France

roysched Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

title_id tid no FK titles(title_id)
lorange int yes
hirange int yes
royalty int yes

title_id lorange hirange royalty

BU1032 0 5000 10
BU1032 5001 50000 12
PC1035 0 2000 10
PC1035 2001 3000 12
PC1035 3001 4000 14
PC1035 4001 10000 16
PC1035 10001 50000 18
BU2075 0 1000 10
BU2075 1001 3000 12
BU2075 3001 5000 14
BU2075 5001 7000 16
BU2075 7001 10000 18
BU2075 10001 12000 20
BU2075 12001 14000 22
BU2075 14001 50000 24
PS2091 0 1000 10
PS2091 1001 5000 12
PS2091 5001 10000 14
PS2091 10001 50000 16
PS2106 0 2000 10
PS2106 2001 5000 12
PS2106 5001 10000 14
PS2106 10001 50000 16
MC3021 0 1000 10
MC3021 1001 2000 12
MC3021 2001 4000 14
MC3021 4001 6000 16
MC3021 6001 8000 18
MC3021 8001 10000 20
MC3021 10001 12000 22
MC3021 12001 50000 24
TC3218 0 2000 10
TC3218 2001 4000 12
TC3218 4001 6000 14
TC3218 6001 8000 16
TC3218 8001 10000 18
TC3218 10001 12000 20
TC3218 12001 14000 22
TC3218 14001 50000 24
PC8888 0 5000 10
PC8888 5001 10000 12
PC8888 10001 15000 14
PC8888 15001 50000 16
PS7777 0 5000 10
PS7777 5001 50000 12
PS3333 0 5000 10
PS3333 5001 10000 12
PS3333 10001 15000 14
PS3333 15001 50000 16
BU1111 0 4000 10
BU1111 4001 8000 12
BU1111 8001 10000 14
BU1111 12001 16000 16
BU1111 16001 20000 18
BU1111 20001 24000 20
BU1111 24001 28000 22
BU1111 28001 50000 24
MC2222 0 2000 10
MC2222 2001 4000 12
MC2222 4001 8000 14
MC2222 8001 12000 16
MC2222 12001 20000 18
MC2222 20001 50000 20
TC7777 0 5000 10
TC7777 5001 15000 12
TC7777 15001 50000 14
TC4203 0 2000 10
TC4203 2001 8000 12
TC4203 8001 16000 14
TC4203 16001 24000 16
TC4203 24001 32000 18
TC4203 32001 40000 20
TC4203 40001 50000 22
BU7832 0 5000 10
BU7832 5001 10000 12
BU7832 10001 15000 14
BU7832 15001 20000 16
BU7832 20001 25000 18
BU7832 25001 30000 20
BU7832 30001 35000 22
BU7832 35001 50000 24
PS1372 0 10000 10
PS1372 10001 20000 12
PS1372 20001 30000 14
PS1372 30001 40000 16
PS1372 40001 50000 18

sales Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Key/Index

stor_id char(4) no Composite PK, clust. (1) , FK stores(stor_id)
ord_num varchar(20) no Composite PK, clust. (1)
ord_date datetime no
qty smallint no
payterms varchar(12) no
title_id tid no Composite PK, clust., (1) FK titles(title_id)
(1)    The composite, Primary Key, clustered index is defined on stor_id, ord_num, title_id.

stor_id ord_num ord_date qty payterms title_id

6380 6871 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 5 Net 60 BU1032
6380 722a Sep 13 1994 12:00AM 3 Net 60 PS2091
7066 A2976 May 24 1993 12:00AM 50 Net 30 PC8888
7066 QA7442.3 Sep 13 1994 12:00AM 75 ON invoice PS2091
7067 D4482 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 10 Net 60 PS2091
7067 P2121 Jun 15 1992 12:00AM 40 Net 30 TC3218
7067 P2121 Jun 15 1992 12:00AM 20 Net 30 TC4203
7067 P2121 Jun 15 1992 12:00AM 20 Net 30 TC7777
7131 N914008 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 20 Net 30 PS2091
7131 N914014 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 25 Net 30 MC3021
7131 P3087a May 29 1993 12:00AM 20 Net 60 PS1372
7131 P3087a May 29 1993 12:00AM 25 Net 60 PS2106
7131 P3087a May 29 1993 12:00AM 15 Net 60 PS3333
7131 P3087a May 29 1993 12:00AM 25 Net 60 PS7777
7896 QQ2299 Oct 28 1993 12:00AM 15 Net 60 BU7832
7896 TQ456 Dec 12 1993 12:00AM 10 Net 60 MC2222
7896 X999 Feb 21 1993 12:00AM 35 ON invoice BU2075
8042 423LL922 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 15 ON invoice MC3021
8042 423LL930 Sep 14 1994 12:00AM 10 ON invoice BU1032
8042 P723 Mar 11 1993 12:00AM 25 Net 30 BU1111
8042 QA879.1 May 22 1993 12:00AM 30 Net 30 PC1035

stores Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

stor_id char(4) no PK, clust.
stor_name varchar(40) yes
stor_address varchar(40) yes
city varchar(20) yes
state char(2) yes
zip char(5) yes

stor_id stor_name stor_address city state zip

6380 Eric the Read Books 788 Catamaugus Ave. Seattle WA 98056
7066 Barnum's 567 Pasadena Ave. Tustin CA 92789
7067 News & Brews 577 First St. Los Gatos CA 96745
7131 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books 24-A Avrogado Way Remulade WA 98014
7896 Fricative Bookshop 89 Madison St. Fremont CA 90019
8042 Bookbeat 679 Carson St. Portland OR 89076

titleauthor Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

au_id id no Composite PK, clust., (1) FK authors(au_id) (2)
title_id tid no Composite PK, clust., (1) FK titles(title_id) (3)
au_ord tinyint yes
royaltyper int yes
(1)    The composite, Primary Key clustered index is defined on au_id, title_id.

(2)    This Foreign Key also has a nonclustered index on au_id.

(3)    This Foreign Key also has a nonclustered index on title_id.

au_id title_id au_ord royaltyper

172-32-1176 PS3333 1 100
213-46-8915 BU1032 2 40
213-46-8915 BU2075 1 100
238-95-7766 PC1035 1 100
267-41-2394 BU1111 2 40
267-41-2394 TC7777 2 30
274-80-9391 BU7832 1 100
409-56-7008 BU1032 1 60
427-17-2319 PC8888 1 50
472-27-2349 TC7777 3 30
486-29-1786 PC9999 1 100
486-29-1786 PS7777 1 100
648-92-1872 TC4203 1 100
672-71-3249 TC7777 1 40
712-45-1867 MC2222 1 100
722-51-5454 MC3021 1 75
724-80-9391 BU1111 1 60
724-80-9391 PS1372 2 25
756-30-7391 PS1372 1 75
807-91-6654 TC3218 1 100
846-92-7186 PC8888 2 50
899-46-2035 MC3021 2 25
899-46-2035 PS2091 2 50
998-72-3567 PS2091 1 50
998-72-3567 PS2106 1 100

titles Table

Column_name Datatype Nullable Default Check Key/Index

title_id tid no PK, clust.
title varchar(80) no Nonclust.
type char(12) no 'UNDECIDED'
pub_id char(4) yes FK publishers(pub_id)
price money yes
advance money yes
royalty int yes
ytd_sales int yes
notes varchar(200) yes
pubdate datetime no GETDATE( )

The following tables show the contents of the titles table. The first column (title_id) is repeated in the lower listing, along with columns #5 through #8, #9, and #10. Column #1 is repeated for readability purposes only.

title_id (#1) title (#2) type (#3) pub_id (#4) price (#5)

BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide business 1389 19.99
BU1111 Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets business 1389 11.95
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stress! business 0736 2.99
BU7832 Straight Talk About Computers business 1389 19.99
MC2222 Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats mod_cook 0877 19.99
MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave mod_cook 0877 2.99
MC3026 The Psychology of Computer Cooking UNDECIDED 0877 NULL
PC1035 But Is It User Friendly? popular_comp 1389 22.95
PC8888 Secrets of Silicon Valley popular_comp 1389 20.00
PC9999 Net Etiquette popular_comp 1389 NULL
PS1372 Computer Phobic and Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations psychology 0877 21.59
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy? psychology 0736 10.95
PS2106 Life Without Fear psychology 0736 7.00
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies psychology 0736 19.99
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm psychology 0736 7.99
TC3218 Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean trad_cook 0877 20.95
TC4203 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens trad_cook 0877 11.95
TC7777 Sushi, Anyone? trad_cook 0877 14.99

title_id (#1) advance (#6) royalty (#7) ytd_sales (#8)

BU1032 5,000.00 10 4095
BU1111 5,000.00 10 3876
BU2075 10,125.00 24 18722
BU7832 5,000.00 10 4095
MC2222 0.00 12 2032
MC3021 15,000.00 24 22246
PC1035 7,000.00 16 8780
PC8888 8,000.00 10 4095
PS1372 7,000.00 10 375
PS2091 2,275.00 12 2045
PS2106 6,000.00 10 111
PS3333 2,000.00 10 4072
PS7777 4,000.00 10 3336
TC3218 7,000.00 10 375
TC4203 4,000.00 14 15096
TC7777 8,000.00 10 4095

title_id (#1) notes (#9) pubdate (#10)

BU1032 An overview of available database systems
with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated.
Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
BU1111 Helpful hints on how to use your electronic
resources to the best advantage.
Jun 9 1991 12:00AM
BU2075 The latest medical and psychological techniques for living
with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations.
Jun 30 1991 12:00AM
BU7832 Annotated analysis of what computers can do for you:
a no-hype guide for the critical user.
Jun 22 1991 12:00AM
MC2222 Favorite recipes for quick, easy, and elegant meals. Jun 9 1991 12:00AM
MC3021 Traditional French gourmet recipes adapted for modern
microwave cooking.
Jun 18 1991 12:00AM
MC3026 NULL Apr 28 1995 10:36AM
PC1035 A survey of software for the naive user, focusing on the
"friendliness" of each.
Jun 30 1991 12:00AM
PC8888 Muckraking reporting on the world's largest computer
hardware and software manufacturers.
Jun 12 1994 12:00AM
PC9999 A must-read for computer conferencing. Apr 28 1995 10:36AM
PS1372 A must for the specialist, examining the difference between
those who hate and fear computers and those who don't.
Oct 21 1991 12:00AM
PS2091 Carefully researched study of the effects of strong
emotions on the body. Metabolic charts included.
Jun 15 1991 12:00AM
PS2106 New exercise, meditation, and nutritional techniques that
can reduce the shock of daily interactions. Popular audience.
Sample menus included, exercise video available separately.
Oct 5 1991 12:00AM
PS3333 What happens when the data runs dry? Searching evaluations
of information-shortage effects.
Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
PS7777 Protecting yourself and your loved ones from undue
emotional stress in the modern world. Use of computer and
nutritional aids emphasized.
Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
TC3218 Profusely illustrated in color, this makes a wonderful gift
book for a cuisine-oriented friend.
Oct 21 1991 12:00AM
TC4203 More anecdotes from the Queen's favorite cook describing
life among English royalty. Recipes, techniques, tender
Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
TC7777 Detailed instructions on how to make authentic Japanese
sushi in your spare time.
Jun 12 1991 12:00AM