Document Conventions

This manual uses the following conventions to distinguish elements of text:

Convention Purpose
UPPERCASE Represents Transact-SQL syntax, paths, and filenames.
MIXEDcase Shows syntax abbreviations. The uppercase portion is required; the lowercase portion is optional.
small capitals Represent key names, such as ctrl.
bold Represents system procedures, utility programs, commands, and user-entered text.
italic Represents database names, table names, column names, index names, and variables.
monospace Represents examples, display text, and error messages.
[brackets] Identify optional items in syntax. Type only the information within the brackets; do not type the brackets.
{braces} Identify required items in syntax. Type only the information within the braces; do not type the braces.
| (vertical bar) Means "or" and signifies that you can choose only one of the items within the brackets or braces.
... (ellipsis) Indicates that you can repeat the previous syntax item.