How to Use the Transact-SQL Reference

The Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference is organized for ease of use. In this reference, information about all Transact-SQL statements, server-supplied stored procedures, utilities, and additional informational topics appears in alphabetical order. Transact-SQL users who need an understanding of the SQL syntax and Transact-SQL extensions should refer to this reference when writing SQL scripts, executing ad hoc queries, or modifying the database environment.

Syntax, limitations and restrictions, examples, and references to topics of similar interest are given.

Most topic examples refer to the pubs sample database. The pubs sample database is included as a learning tool; it is created when the server is installed. To use the sample database, your system must have access to the pubs database. If you have a localized version of SQL Server and want to try the examples, drop the localized version of pubs and install the U.S. English version of pubs. To install the U.S. English version of pubs, run the INSTPUBS.SQL script with the isql command-line utility. This script can be found in the INSTALL directory of SQL Server. Use this syntax:

isql /Usa /Ppassword /Sserver -i\sql60\install\instpubs.sql

For information about using the isql command-line utility, see the Utilities and Executables topic. For an overview of the pubs database, see Appendix B, "The pubs Sample Database."

Users who need an understanding of system administration strategies and server configuration should refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion. Users who need an understanding of database development ¾ designing and optimizing databases, writing queries, and manipulating data ¾ should refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Database Developer's Companion.