sp_articleview Replication Stored Procedure

Creates the synchronization object for an article when a table is filtered vertically and/or horizontally. This synchronization object is a view that is used as the filtered source of the schema and data for the destination tables.


sp_articleview publication, article [, view_name] [, filter_clause]


Is the name of the publication that contains the article.
Is the name of the article.
Is the name of the synchronization object.
Is a restriction (WHERE) clause that defines a horizontal partition. When entering the restriction clause, omit the word "WHERE."


This stored procedure creates the view and inserts the ID of the synchronization object (the view) in the sync_objid column of the sysarticles table, and the text of the restriction clause in the filter_clause column. If all columns are replicated and there is no filter_clause, the sync_objid in the sysarticles table is set to the ID of the base table and the use of sp_articleview is not required.

Only unsubscribed articles can be modified by this stored procedure.

To publish a vertically partitioned table (that is, to filter columns) first run sp_addarticle with no sync_object parameter, run sp_articlecolumn once for each column to be replicated (defining the vertical partition), and then run sp_articleview to create the synchronization object.

To publish a horizontally partitioned table (that is, to filter rows), run sp_addarticle with no filter parameter. Run sp_articlefilter, providing all parameters including filter_clause. Then run sp_articleview, providing all parameters including the identical filter_clause.

To publish a vertically and horizontally partitioned table, run sp_addarticle with no sync_object or filter parameters, run sp_articlecolumn once for each column to be replicated, and then run sp_articlefilter and sp_articleview.

If the article already has a synchronization object (a view), sp_articleview will drop the existing view and create a new one if the type in sysarticles is 1 (log-based article) or 3 (log-based article with manual filter).

If you manually create a custom filter stored procedure and a synchronization object, do not run sp_articleview. Instead, provide them as the filter and sync_object parameters to sp_addarticle, along with the appropriate type value.


This example creates the synchronization view MyView for MyPub and filters on the zip code 94609.

sp_articleview 'MyPub', 'MyArticle', 'MyView', 'zip = "94609"'


Only the system administrator or the database owner can use this stored procedure.

Tables Used

sysobjects, syscolumns, syspublications, syssubscriptions, sysarticles

See Also

sp_addarticle sp_articlefilter