Changes the status of an existing subscriber.
sp_changesubstatus [publication [, article [, subscriber [, ]]]]
status [, previous_status]
inactive | Subscriber entry exists without a subscription, which is used for restricted publications. |
subscribed | Subscriber is requesting data but is not yet synchronized. |
active | Subscriber is synchronized and receiving data. |
This stored procedure changes the subscriber's status in the syssubscriptions table with the changed status. If required, it updates the article status in the sysarticles table to indicate active or inactive. If required, it sets the replication flag on or off in the sysobjects table for the replicated table.
This example changes the status of the subscriber POODLE to inactive (entry exits without subscription).
sp_changesubstatus mypub1, myart3, POODLE, inactive
Execute permission defaults to the system administrator and the database owner.
sysobjects, sysarticles, syspublications, syssubscriptions, sysservers
sp_addsubscription | sp_helpsubscription |
sp_changesubscription | sp_subscribe |
sp_dropsubscription | sp_unsubscribe |
sp_helpdistributor |