Displays information about an article.
sp_helparticle publication[, article] [, returnfilter]
Displays the article name, base table name, destination table, synchronization object, type, status, filter, description, insert command, update command, delete command, creation script path, and (depending on the returnfilter parameter) filter clause.
This example returns information about the types_table article in the pub_alltypes publication. The filter clause will be returned.
sp_helparticle pub_alltypes, types_table
Execute permission defaults to the public group.
sysobjects, syscolumns, sysusers, sysarticles, syspublications, syssubscriptions, sysservers
sp_addarticle | sp_droparticle |
sp_addpublication | sp_droppublication |
sp_articlecolumn | sp_enumfullsubscribers |
sp_changearticle | sp_helparticlecolumns |
sp_changepublication | sp_helppublication |