Stored Procedures–SQL Executive Stored Procedures

SQL Executive stored procedures give system administrators the ability to create tasks for replication, event scheduling and alert management. The SQL Executive stored procedures are rarely executed directly, they are usually manipulated by SQL Enterprise Manager, which provides an easy, graphical way to manage the entire alerting and scheduling system. It is recommended that you use SQL Enterprise Manager to configure your alert and scheduling infrastructure.

This section describes the stored procedures used by SQL Executive to implement and initiate scheduled events and alerts. The stored procedures can be categorized by type: alert stored procedures and scheduling stored procedures.

Alert Stored Procedures

These are the stored procedures used by the SQL Executive to provide alerts:

sp_addalert sp_helpalert
sp_addnotification sp_helpnotification
sp_addoperator sp_helpoperator
sp_dropalert sp_updatealert
sp_dropnotification sp_updatenotification
sp_dropoperator sp_updateoperator

Scheduling Stored Procedures

These are the stored procedures used by the SQL Executive to provide scheduling:

sp_addtask sp_helptask
sp_droptask sp_purgehistory
sp_helphistory sp_updatetask

All of the SQL Executive stored procedures are listed individually within this section.