sp_helptask SQL Executive Stored Procedure

For SQL Server 6.5 information, see sp_helptask in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Provides information about one or more tasks.


sp_helptask taskname [, taskid] [, loginname] [, operatorname] [, subsystem]
[, mode]


Returns information about all tasks with names like taskname.
Is the ID of the task.
Is the owner of the tasks whose information is to be returned.
Is the name of the operator who might be paged or sent e-mail when the tasks are completed (depending on the e-mail completion level).
Is the subsystem the tasks will run against. For replication, can be Distribution, LogReader, or Sync.
Specifies the amount of information to return. Can be full (returns all information) or quick (returns only the most useful information). The default is quick.


The quick mode returns the taskname, taskid, subsystem, server (the server on which to execute the task), username (the username used for login to execute the task), dbname (the database to be used when executing the task), and enabled status (1 indicates tasks will be scheduled and run, 0 indicates disabled).

The full mode adds information as supplied when the task was defined. For details, see the options in the sp_addtask SQL Executive Stored Procedure.


This example returns all information about the auth_table_sync task.

sp_helptask auth_table_sync, @mode = 'full'


Execute permission defaults to the public group.

Tables Used

sysoperators, systasks

See Also

sp_addtask sp_purgehistory
sp_droptask sp_updatetask