sp_addsegment System Stored Procedure

Defines a segment on a database device in the current database.


sp_addsegment segname, logical_name


Is the name of the new segment, which is added to the syssegments table of the current database. Segment names must be unique in each database.
Specifies the database device where segname will be located. A database device can have more than one segment associated with it.


The sp_addsegment system stored procedure defines segment names for database devices that have been assigned to a specific database with the ALTER DATABASE or CREATE DATABASE statement. The maximum number of segments for any database is 32. Segments are named subsets of a database defined per device. Before you can use segment procedures in a database, make the database the current one by issuing the USE database statement.

Once a segment has been defined, it can be used with the CREATE TABLE statement, the CREATE INDEX statement, and in the sp_placeobject system stored procedure, which puts data for a table or index on the segment. When a table or index is created on a particular segment, all subsequent data for the table or index is put on that segment.

To extend the range of a segment to another database device used by the same database, use the sp_extendsegment system stored procedure.

If a database is extended with the ALTER DATABASE statement on a device used by that database, the segments mapped to that device are also extended.

The SYSTEM and DEFAULT segments are mapped to each database device included in a CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement. The LOGSEGMENT is also mapped to each device, unless it is put on a separate device by using the LOG ON extension to the CREATE DATABASE statement or by using the sp_logdevice system stored procedure. To unmap these segments, use the sp_dropsegment system stored procedure. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion.


This example creates a segment named INDEXES on the database device named DEV1.

sp_addsegment indexes, dev1


Execute permission defaults to the system administrator and the database owner.

Tables Used

syssegments, master.dbo.sysusages, master.dbo.sysdevices

See Also

ALTER DATABASE sp_extendsegment
CREATE INDEX sp_helpdb
CREATE TABLE sp_helpdevice
DISK INIT sp_placeobject