sp_who System Stored Procedure

For SQL Server 6.5 information, see sp_who in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Reports information about current SQL Server users and processes.


sp_who [login_id | 'spid']


Is the user's login ID on SQL Server. If no name is specified, the procedure reports on all active users of SQL Server.
Specifies a specific process. You can supply a process number as a parameter if you enclose it in quotation marks (SQL Server expects a char type).


This system stored procedure reports information about a specified user, a specified SQL Server process, or all users currently running a process on SQL Server. Executing sp_who without parameters reports which users are running what processes in all databases.


A.    List All Current Processes

This example shows how to view all current processes by executing sp_who without parameters. The blk column contains the system process ID of a blocking process; this value references the spid column of this table (self-referencing). A blocking process (which may have an exclusive lock) is one that is holding resources that another process needs. In this example, process 11 (a SELECT on a table) is blocked by process 10 (an uncommitted transaction).

spid   status     loginame hostname  blk   dbname     cmd              
------ ---------- -------- --------- ----- ---------- ---------------- 
1      sleeping   sa                 0     master     MIRROR HANDLER   
2      sleeping   sa                 0     master     LAZY WRITER      
3      sleeping   sa                 0     master     CHECKPOINT SLEEP 
4      sleeping   sa                 0     master     RA MANAGER       
10     sleeping   Mary     WKSTA1    0     pubs       AWAITING COMMAND 
11     runnable   Joe      WKSTA5    10    pubs       SELECT           
B.    List a Specific User's Process

This example shows how to view information about a single current user by loginame or spid.

sp_who Mary


sp_who '10'


Execute permission defaults to the public group.

Table Used


See Also

KILL sp_lock