Has a row for each of the articles posted by the publishing server.
Column | Datatype | Description |
artid | int | An identity column providing a unique ID number for the article. |
columns | varbinary(32) | The columns in the tables that are being published. |
creation_script | varchar(127) | The schema script for the article. |
del_cmd | varchar(255) | Command to execute upon delete, else construct from the log. |
description | varchar(255) | Descriptive entry for the article. |
dest_table | varchar(30) | Name of the destination table. |
filter | int | The stored procedure ID, used for horizontal partitioning. |
filter_clause | text | The WHERE clause of the article, used for horizontal filtering. |
ins_cmd | varchar(255) | Command to execute upon insert, else construct from the log. |
name | varchar(30) | Name associated with the article. Unique within the publication. |
objid | int | Published table object ID. |
pubid | int | ID of the publication to which the article belongs. |
pre_creation_cmd | tinyint | A pre-creation command for drop table, delete table, or truncate: 0 None 1 Drop 2 Delete 3 Truncate |
status | tinyint | Bitmap used to describe a property of the column or the parameter: 0x08 The column allows null values. 0x40 The parameter is an OUTPUT parameter. 0x80 The column is an identity column. |
sync_objid | int | The ID of the table or view that represents the article definition. |
type | tinyint | The type of article: 1 Log-based article 3 Log-based article with manual filter 5 Log-based article with manual view 7 Log-based article with manual filter and manual view |
upd_cmd | varchar(255) | Command to execute upon update, or else construct from the log. |
unc1sysarticles nonclustered, unique on artid, pubid
sp_addarticle | sp_droparticle | sp_helparticlecolumns |
sp_addsubscription | sp_droppublication | sp_helppublication |
sp_articlecolumn | sp_dropsubscription | sp_helpsubscription |
sp_changearticle | sp_enumfullsubscribers | sp_subscribe |
sp_changesubscription | sp_helparticle | sp_unsubscribe |
sp_changesubstatus |