sysobjects (all databases)

Contains one row for each object (constraint, default, log, rule, stored procedure, and so on) created within a database. In tempdb only, this table includes a row for each temporary object.

Column Datatype Description
name varchar(30) Object name.
id int Object ID.
uid smallint User ID of owner object.
type char(2) One of the following object types:
C    CHECK constraint
D    Default or DEFAULT constraint
F    FOREIGN KEY constraint
K    PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint
L    Log
P    Stored procedure
R    Rule
RF    Stored procedure for replication
S    System table
TR    Trigger
U    User table
V    View
X    Extended stored procedure
userstat smallint Application-dependent type information.
sysstat smallint Internal-status information.
indexdel smallint Index delete count (incremented if an index is deleted).
schema smallint Count of changes in schema of a given object (incremented if a rule or default is added).
refdate datetime Reserved for future use.
crdate datetime Indicates the date that the object was created.
version datetime Reserved for future use.
deltrig int Stored-procedure ID of a delete trigger.
instrig int Stored-procedure ID of an insert trigger.
updtrig int Stored-procedure ID of an update trigger.
seltrig int Reserved.
category int Used for publication, constraints, and identity.
cache smallint Reserved.


sysobjects clustered, unique on id

ncsysobjects nonclustered, unique on name, uid

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_addarticle sp_droptype sp_rename
sp_bindefault sp_dropuser sp_replica
sp_bindrule sp_fkeys sp_spaceused
sp_changearticle sp_help sp_sproc_columns
sp_changesubstatus sp_helparticle sp_statistics
sp_column_privileges sp_helpconstraint sp_stored_procedures
sp_columns sp_helpextendedproc sp_table_privileges
sp_depends sp_helprotect sp_tables
sp_droparticle sp_pkeys sp_unbindefault
sp_dropgroup sp_placeobject sp_unbindrule