syssubscriptions (all databases)

Associates the IDs of published articles with the IDs of all subscription servers expecting to receive the data.

Column Datatype Description
artid int Unique ID of an article
srvid smallint Server ID of the subscription server
dest_db varchar(30) Name of the destination database
status tinyint Status:
0    Inactive
1    Subscribed
2    Active
sync_type tinyint Type 8 synchronization:
0    Manual
1    Automatic
2    None
timestamp timestamp Initial time of subscription


unc1syssubscriptions nonclustered, unique on artid, srvid

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_addsubscription sp_droppublication sp_helppublication
sp_changesubscription sp_dropsubscription sp_helpsubscription
sp_changesubstatus sp_enumfullsubscribers sp_subscribe
sp_droparticle sp_helparticle sp_unsubscribe