syslanguages (master database only)

Contains one row for each language known to SQL Server. Although U.S. English is not in syslanguages, it is always available to SQL Server.

Column Datatype Description
langid smallint Unique language ID
dateformat char(3) Date order (for example, dmy)
datefirst tinyint First day of the week ¾ 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on through 7 for Sunday
upgrade int SQL Server version of last upgrade for this language
name varchar(30) Official language name (for example, français)
alias varchar(30) Alternate language name (for example, french)
months varchar(251) Comma-separated list of full-length month names, in order from January through December, with each name containing as many as 20 characters
shortmonths varchar(119) Comma-separated list of short-month names, in order from January through December, with each name containing as many as 9 characters
days varchar(216) Comma-separated list of day names, in order from Monday through Sunday, with each name containing as many as 30 characters


csyslanguages clustered, unique on langid

nc1syslanguages nonclustered, unique on name

nc2syslanguages nonclustered, unique on alias

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_configure sp_helplanguage sp_setlangalias