sysprocesses (master database only)

For SQL Server 6.5 information, see sysprocesses System Table in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Contains information about SQL Server processes. The sysprocesses system table is not a standard table. Rather, it is built dynamically when queried by a user. Updates to sysprocesses are not allowed. Use the KILL statement to cancel a process.

Column Datatype Description
spid smallint Process ID
kpid smallint Windows NT thread ID
status char(10) Process ID status (for example, runnable, sleeping, and so on)
suid smallint Server user ID of user who executed command
hostname char(10) Name of workstation
program_name char(16) Name of application program
hostprocess char(8) Workstation process ID number
cmd char(16) Command currently being executed
cpu int Cumulative CPU time for process
physical_io int Cumulative disk reads and writes for process
memusage int Number of 2K pages of the procedure cache that are currently allocated to the process
blocked smallint Process ID of blocking process, if any
waittype binary Reserved
dbid smallint Database ID
uid smallint ID of user who executed command
gid smallint Group ID of user who executed command


This table does not have any indexes.

Referenced by Stored Procedures

sp_dboption sp_who