syslocks (master database only)

Contains information about active locks. The syslocks system table is not a standard table. Rather, it is built dynamically when queried by a user. Updates to syslocks are not allowed. The type values are additive when more than one lock is in effect.

Column Datatype Description
id int Table ID
dbid smallint Database ID
page int Page number
type smallint Type of lock:
1        Exclusive table lock
2        Shared table lock
3        Exclusive intent lock (will do page locking on
        indicated pages)
4        Shared intent lock
5        Exclusive page lock
6        Shared page lock
7        Update page lock (changes to exclusive lock if
        page is actually modified)
8        Exclusive extent lock
9        Update extent lock
11        Next extent lock
12        Previous extent lock

Any of the above lock types can appear with 256 (0x100) added to them, indicating that the lock is blocking another user.

257        Blocking exclusive table lock
265        Blocking update extent lock

spid smallint ID of process that holds the lock


This table does not have any indexes.

Referenced by Stored Procedures
