USE Statement

In SQL Server 6.5, when the USE statement is used in a batch, dynamic execution of the USE statement retrieves a different database name than if the USE statement was not in a batch in What's New for SQL Server 6.5.

Changes the database context.


USE database_name


Specifies the database to which the user context will be switched.


The execution of a USE statement takes effect immediately. This statement is executed both at compile and execution time, so statements that appear after the USE statement in a batch will be executed in the specified database.

It is likely that you will be connected automatically to the master database when you log in to SQL Server. Unless a default database has been set up for your login ID, you must execute the USE statement to change from master to another database.

You must be a known user in the database to which you're changing. If you are not known in the database, SQL Server displays a message. The owner of the database must give you access by executing the sp_adduser system stored procedure.

Users not recognized by name within the destination database can still be allowed access if a guest user exists in that database. A database owner can add the special guest user to any user database by using the sp_adduser system stored procedure. By default, the guest user is added to the master database during installation.


Permission is assigned when the database owner assigns permission by executing the sp_adduser system stored procedure.

See Also

DROP DATABASE sp_adduser
EXECUTE sp_defaultdb