
The Install section identifies the sections in the INF file that contain instructions for installing files.


Not all the types of items shown in the syntax are needed or required in an Install section. Section names must consist of printable characters. An item can contain more than one section ; each name after the first must be preceded with a comma. Items must specify the name of the corresponding section in the INF file. The only exception to this is the CopyFiles item, which need not specify a section if only one file is to be copied.

Note You only use Log Config sections when installing a device driver. For more information, see the DDK Programmer's Guide.

You can use a special notation in the CopyFiles item to copy a single file directly from the CopyFiles line. You can copy individual by prefixing the filename with an @ symbol. The destination for any file copied using this notation is the DefaultDestDir item, as defined in a DestinationDirs section. This is demonstrated in the following example.


By appending an extension to the name of the Install section, you can have different Install sections for different operating systems or platforms, if necessary. The Setup routines recognize the following extensions:

Extension Platform
.Win Windows 95
.NT Windows NT (all platforms)
.NTx86 Windows NT (x86 only)
.NTMIPS Windows NT (MIPS only)
.NTAlpha Windows NT (Alpha only)
.NTPPC Windows NT (PowerPC only)

The following example Install section consists of a single line that lists two Copy Files sections:

CopyFiles=Ser_CopyFiles, mouclass_CopyFiles

See Also

Overview, INF File Format Reference