INF File Functions

The following functions are used with INF files.

SetupCloseInfFile Frees resources and closes the INF handle.
SetupDecompressOrCopyFile Copies a file and, if necessary, decompresses it.
SetupFindFirstLine Finds a the first line in a section of an INF file or, if a key is specified, the first line that matches that key. It updates the Line member of an INFCONTEXT structure.
SetupFindNextLine Returns the next line in a section relative to the Line member of the specified INFCONTEXT structure.
SetupFindNextMatchLine Returns the next line in a section relative to the Line member of the specified INFCONTEXT that matches a specified key.
SetupGetBinaryField Retrieves data from a line whose fields are in binary format.
SetupGetFieldCount Returns the number of fields in a line.
SetupGetFileCompressionInfo Retrieves file compression information from an INF file.
SetupGetInfFileList Gets a list of the types of INF files in a specified directory.
SetupGetInfInformation Returns information about an INF file (by Line member of an INFCONTEXT or filename).
SetupGetIntField Returns the specified integer field of a line in an INF file.
SetupGetLineByIndex Updates the Line member of an INFCONTEXT for the line at a specified index in the specified section.
SetupGetLineCount Returns the number of lines in the specified section.
SetupGetLineText Retrieves the content of a specified line from an INF file.
SetupGetMultiSzField Returns a list of strings, starting at the specified field of a line in an INF file.
SetupGetSourceFileLocation Gets the source disk ordinal and path (relative to source root) where the source file is located
SetupGetSourceFileSize Gets the file size for an individual source file or a Copy Files section of an INF file.
SetupGetSourceInfo Retrieves the path, tag file, or description for a source.
SetupGetStringField Returns the specified string field of a line in an INF file.
SetupGetTargetPath Gets the target path for a Copy Files section in an INF file.
SetupInstallFile Installs a file.
SetupInstallFileEx Installs a file and returns a variable indicating whether or not the file was in use.
SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection Queues all the files in the Copy Files and Delete Files sections listed in an Install section.
SetupInstallFromInfSection Performs the directives specified in an INF file Install section.
SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection Performs service installation and deletion operations as specified in a Service section of an INF file.
SetupOpenAppendInfFile Opens an INF file and append it to an existing INF handle.
SetupOpenInfFile Opens an INF file and returns a handle to it.
SetupOpenMasterInf Windows NT only: Opens the INF file that contains file and layout information for files shipped with Windows NT.
SetupQueryInfFileInformation Queries an INF information structure about its associated INF filename(s).
SetupQueryInfVersionInformation Queries an INF information structure for version information on one of its constituent INF files.
SetupSetDirectoryId Associates a new directory identifier with a particular directory.