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This example uses the Move method to position the record pointer based on user input.
Public Sub MoveX() Dim rstAuthors As ADODB.Recordset Dim strCnn As String Dim varBookmark As Variant Dim strCommand As String Dim lngMove As Long ' Open recordset from Authors table. strCnn = "driver={SQL Server};server=srv;" & _ "uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs" Set rstAuthors = New ADODB.Recordset rstAuthors.CursorType = adOpenStatic ' Use client cursor to allow use of ' AbsolutePosition property. rstAuthors.CursorLocation = adUseClient rstAuthors.Open "SELECT au_id, au_fname, au_lname, city, state " & _ "FROM Authors ORDER BY au_lname", strCnn, , , adCmdText rstAuthors.MoveFirst Do While True ' Display information about current record and ' ask how many records to move. strCommand = InputBox( _ "Record " & rstAuthors.AbsolutePosition & _ " of " & rstAuthors.RecordCount & vbCr & _ "Author: " & rstAuthors!au_fname & _ " " & rstAuthors!au_lname & vbCr & _ "Location: " & rstAuthors!City & _ ", " & rstAuthors!State & vbCr & vbCr & _ "Enter number of records to Move " & _ "(positive or negative).") If strCommand = "" Then Exit Do ' Store bookmark in case the Move goes too far ' forward or backward. varBookmark = rstAuthors.Bookmark ' Move method requires parameter of data type Long. lngMove = CLng(strCommand) rstAuthors.Move lngMove ' Trap for BOF or EOF. If rstAuthors.BOF Then MsgBox "Too far backward! " & _ "Returning to current record." rstAuthors.Bookmark = varBookmark End If If rstAuthors.EOF Then MsgBox "Too far forward! " & _ "Returning to current record." rstAuthors.Bookmark = varBookmark End If Loop rstAuthors.Close End SubVBScript Version
The following is the same example written in VBScript to be used in an Active Server Page (ASP). To view this example, you need to create a system Data Source Name (DSN) called AdvWorks for the Microsoft Access database file AdvWorks.mdb, which is installed with Microsoft Internet Information Server and located at C:\InetPub\ASPSamp\AdvWorks. Locate the file adovbs.inc and place it in the directory you plan to use. Cut and paste the following code to Notepad or another text editor and save it as Move.asp. You can view the result in any client browser.
Try entering a letter or non integer to see the error handling work.
<!-- #Include file="ADOVBS.INC" --> <% Language = VBScript %> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>ADO 1.5 Move Methods</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <FONT FACE="MS SANS SERIF" SIZE=2> <Center> <H3>ADO Move Methods</H3> <% 'Create and Open Connection Object Set OBJdbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") OBJdbConnection.Open "AdvWorks" 'Create and Open Recordset Object Set RsCustomerList = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RsCustomerList.ActiveConnection = OBJdbConnection RsCustomerList.CursorType = adOpenKeyset RsCustomerList.LockType = adLockOptimistic RsCustomerList.Source = "Customers" RsCustomerList.Open 'Check number of user moves this session 'Increment by amount in Form Session("Clicks") = Session("Clicks") + Request.Form("MoveAmount") Clicks = Session("Clicks") 'Move to last known recordset position plus amount passed 'by Form Post method RsCustomerList.Move CInt(Clicks) 'Error Handling If RsCustomerList.EOF Then Session("Clicks") = RsCustomerList.RecordCount Response.Write "This is the Last Record" RsCustomerList.MoveLast Else If RsCustomerList.BOF Then Session("Clicks") = 1 RsCustomerList.MoveFirst Response.Write "This is the First Record" End If End If %> <H3>Current Record Number is <BR> <% If Session("Clicks") = 0 Then Session("Clicks") = 1 End If Response.Write(Session("Clicks") )%> of <%=RsCustomerList.RecordCount%></H3> <HR> <Center><TABLE COLSPAN=8 CELLPADDING=5 BORDER=0> <!-- BEGIN column header row for Customer Table--> <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Company Name</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Contact Name</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=150 BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Phone Number</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>City</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>State/Province</FONT> </TD> </TR> <!--Display ADO Data from Customer Table--> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RSCustomerList("CompanyName")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("ContactLastName") & ", " %> <%= RScustomerList("ContactFirstName") %> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("PhoneNumber")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("City")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("StateOrProvince")%> </FONT></TD> </TR> </Table></FONT> <HR> <Input Type = Button Name = cmdDown Value = "< "> <Input Type = Button Name = cmdUp Value = " >"> <H5>Click Direction Arrows for Previous or Next Record <BR> Click Move Amount to use Move Method Enter Number of Records to Move + or - </H5> <Table> <Form Method = Post Action="Move.asp" Name=Form> <TR><TD><Input Type="Button" Name = Move Value="Move Amount "></TD><TD></TD><TD> <Input Type="Text" Size="4" Name="MoveAmount" Value = 0></TD><TR> </Form></Table></Center> </BODY> <Script Language = "VBScript"> Sub Move_OnClick ' Make sure move value entered is an integer If IsNumeric(Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value)Then Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = CInt(Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value) Document.Form.Submit Else MsgBox "You Must Enter a Number", ,"ADO-ASP Example" Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = 0 End If End Sub Sub cmdDown_OnClick Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = -1 Document.Form.Submit End Sub Sub cmdUp_OnClick Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = 1 Document.Form.Submit End Sub </Script> </HTML>
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