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HRESULT GetDocMiscStatus(
    DWORD *pdwStatus

Obtains information about whether an Active Document supports behaviors specified in the DOCMISC enumerator.

[out] Address of the information on supported behaviors. Values written to the address specified by this pointer are taken from the DOCMISC enumeration.

This method provides a way for containers to ascertain whether an Active Document supports multiple views, complex rectangles, opening in a pop-up window, or file read/write.

Notes to Callers

By calling this method prior to activating an Active Document, containers can take whatever steps are necessary to support or otherwise accommodate specified behaviors.

Notes to Implementers

This method must be completely implemented in any Active Document, even if the dereferenced value of pdwStatus is zero. E_NOTIMPL is not an acceptable return value. Normally, the returned DOCMISC value should be hard-coded for performance.

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