Microsoft Chat Control 1.1 Visual Basic ReferenceMicrosoft Chat Control 1.1 Visual Basic Reference*
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Microsoft Chat Control 1.1 Visual Basic Reference

The Microsoft® Chat control is an ActiveX™-based control that can be used with any OLE container. This control provides users with the capability to create a chat, or conversation, that communicates text and/or data with other users connected through the Internet or an intranet. This reference describes the properties, methods, events, and error codes associated with the Chat control.

MSChat Object


Appearance, BackColor, BorderStyle, Height, History, LastMessageReceived, LastMessageSent, MaxHistoryLength, MaxMembers, MaxMessageLength, MemberCount, Rating, RoomPath, RoomTopic, State, ThisParticipantAlias, ThisParticipantID, ThisParticipantName, UIOption, Width


AboutBox, BanParticipant, CancelEntering, ClearHistory, EnterRoom, ExitRoom, GetParticipantRealName, InviteParticipant, KickParticipant, MoveSplitBar, SelectParticipants, SendMessage, SetParticipantStatus


OnBeginEnumeration, OnEndEnumeration, OnEnterParticipant, OnError, OnExitParticipant, OnHistoryFull, OnMessage, OnParticipantAliasChanged, OnParticipantInvited, OnParticipantKicked, OnParticipantRealName, OnParticipantStatusChanged, OnRoomTopicChanged, OnRoomTypeChanged, OnStateChanged, OnTextMessageSent

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