NewChatItems PropertyNewChatItems Property*
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NewChatItems Property

Returns a newly allocated ChatItems object.




valueRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a ChatItems object.
objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to an MsChatPr control.


Access is read-only.

This property exists for Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) users. The following syntax does not work in VBScript.

Dim chatitemobj
Set chatitemobj=New ChatItems

Users must use the NewChatItems property instead, as in the following:

Dim chatitemobj
Set chatitemobj=MsChatPr1.NewChatItems
'...use chatitemobj
Set chatitemobj=Nothing  'releases chatitemobj

Dynamic allocation of a ChatItems object is necessary in order to perform some server queries, such as ListChannels or BanMembers.


Dim mi
Set mi = MsChatPr1.NewChatItems
mi.AssociatedType = "Query"
mi.Item("IPAddressOp") = "EndsWith"
mi.Item("IPAddress") = ".com"
MsChatPr1.Channels(1).BanMembers mi, True
Set mi = Nothing

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