Alpha Filter EffectAlpha Filter Effect*
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Alpha Filter Effect


Sets the level of opacity for your visual object. The opacity can be set as uniform or graded, in a linear or radial fashion.


{ FILTER: Alpha(Opacity=opacity, FinishOpacity=finishopacity, Style=style, StartX=startX, StartY=startY, FinishX=finishX, FinishY=finishY)"}

opacity Level of the opacity. 0, the default, is fully transparent; 100 is fully opaque.
finishopacity (Optional) Ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 100 (fully opaque).
style Specifies the shape characteristics of the opacity gradient. Possible values are 0 (uniform), 1 (linear), 2 (radial), or 3 (rectangular).
startX X coordinate for opacity gradient to begin.
startY Y coordinate for opacity gradient to begin.
finishX X coordinate for opacity gradient to end.
finishY Y coordinate for opacity gradient to end.

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