Additional Named Entities for HTMLAdditional Named Entities for HTML*
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Additional Named Entities for HTML

The following table contains additional named entities, their numeric character reference, and a description of each.
Character Named entity Numeric character reference Description
Latin Extended-B
ƒ &fnof ƒ latin small f with hook, =function, =florin, U0192 ISOtech
Α &Alpha Α greek capital letter alpha, U0391
Β &Beta Β greek capital letter beta, U0392
Γ &Gamma Γ greek capital letter gamma, U0393 ISOgrk3
Δ &Delta Δ greek capital letter delta, U0394 ISOgrk3
Ε &Epsilon Ε greek capital letter epsilon, U0395
Ζ &Zeta Ζ greek capital letter zeta, U0396
Η &Eta Η greek capital letter eta, U0397
Θ &Theta Θ greek capital letter theta, U0398 ISOgrk3
Ι &Iota Ι greek capital letter iota, U0399
Κ &Kappa Κ greek capital letter kappa, U039A
Λ &Lambda Λ greek capital letter lambda, U039B ISOgrk3
Μ &Mu Μ greek capital letter mu, U039C
Ν &Nu Ν greek capital letter nu, U039D
Ξ &Xi Ξ greek capital letter xi, U039E ISOgrk3
Ο &Omicron Ο greek capital letter omicron, U039F
Π &Pi Π greek capital letter pi, U03A0 ISOgrk3
Ρ &Rho Ρ greek capital letter rho, U03A1
Σ &Sigma Σ greek capital letter sigma, U03A3 ISOgrk3
Τ &Tau Τ greek capital letter tau, U03A4
Υ &Upsilon Υ greek capital letter upsilon, U03A5 ISOgrk3
Φ &Phi Φ greek capital letter phi, U03A6 ISOgrk3
Χ &Chi Χ greek capital letter chi, U03A7
Ψ &Psi Ψ greek capital letter psi, U03A8 ISOgrk3
Ω &Omega Ω greek capital letter omega, U03A9 ISOgrk3
a &alpha α greek small letter alpha, U03B1 ISOgrk3
b &beta β greek small letter beta, U03B2 ISOgrk3
g &gamma γ greek small letter gamma, U03B3 ISOgrk3
d &delta δ greek small letter delta, U03B4 ISOgrk3
ε &epsilon ε greek small letter epsilon, U03B5 ISOgrk3
ζ &zeta ζ greek small letter zeta, U03B6 ISOgrk3
η &eta η greek small letter eta, U03B7 ISOgrk3
θ &theta θ greek small letter theta, U03B8 ISOgrk3
ι &iota ι greek small letter iota, U03B9 ISOgrk3
κ &kappa κ greek small letter kappa, U03BA ISOgrk3
λ &lambda λ greek small letter lambda, U03BB ISOgrk3
μ &mu μ greek small letter mu, U03BC ISOgrk3
ν &nu ν greek small letter nu, U03BD ISOgrk3
ξ &xi ξ greek small letter xi, U03BE ISOgrk3
ο &omicron ο greek small letter omicron, U03BF NEW
p &pi π greek small letter pi, U03C0 ISOgrk3
ρ &rho ρ greek small letter rho, U03C1 ISOgrk3
ς &sigmaf ς greek small letter final sigma, U03C2 ISOgrk3
σ &sigma σ greek small letter sigma, U03C3 ISOgrk3
τ &tau τ greek small letter tau, U03C4 ISOgrk3
υ &upsilon υ greek small letter upsilon, U03C5 ISOgrk3
φ &phi φ greek small letter phi, U03C6 ISOgrk3
χ &chi χ greek small letter chi, U03C7 ISOgrk3
ψ &psi ψ greek small letter psi, U03C8 ISOgrk3
ω &omega ω greek small letter omega, U03C9 ISOgrk3
ϑ &thetasym ϑ greek small letter theta symbol, U03D1 NEW
ϒ &upsih ϒ greek upsilon with hook symbol, U03D2 NEW
ϖ &piv ϖ greek pi symbol, U03D6 ISOgrk3
General Punctuation
&bull • bullet, =black small circle, U2022 ISOpub
&hellip … horizontal ellipsis, =three dot leader, U2026 ISOpub
&prime ′ prime, =minutes, =feet, U2032 ISOtech
&Prime ″ double prime, =seconds, =inches, U2033 ISOtech
&oline ‾ overline, =spacing overscore, U203E NEW
&frasl ⁄ fraction slash, U2044 NEW
Letterlike Symbols
&weierp ℘ script capital P, =power set, =Weierstrass p, U2118 ISOamso
&image ℑ blackletter capital I, =imaginary part, U2111 ISOamso
&real ℜ blackletter capital R, =real part symbol, U211C ISOamso
&trade ™ trade mark sign, U2122 ISOnum
&alefsym ℵ alef symbol, =first transfinite cardinal, U2135 NEW
&larr ← leftward arrow, U2190 ISOnum
&uarr ↑ upward arrow, U2191 ISOnum
&rarr → rightward arrow, U2192 ISOnum
&darr ↓ downward arrow, U2193 ISOnum
&harr ↔ left right arrow, U2194 ISOamsa
&crarr ↵ downward arrow with corner leftward, =carriage return, U21B5 NEW
&lArr ⇐ leftward double arrow, U21D0 ISOtech
&uArr ⇑ upward double arrow, U21D1 ISOamsa
&rArr ⇒ rightward double arrow, U21D2 ISOtech
&dArr ⇓ downward double arrow, U21D3 ISOamsa
&hArr ⇔ left right double arrow, U21D4 ISOamsa
Mathematical Operators
&forall ∀ for all, U2200 ISOtech
&part ∂ partial differential, U2202 ISOtech
&exist ∃ there exists, U2203 ISOtech
&empty ∅ empty set, =null set, =diameter, U2205 ISOamso
&nabla ∇ nabla, =backward difference, U2207 ISOtech
&isin ∈ element of, U2208 ISOtech
&notin ∉ not an element of, U2209 ISOtech
&ni ∋ contains as member, U220B ISOtech
&prod ∏ n-ary product, =product sign, U220F ISOamsb
&sum − n-ary sumation, U2211 ISOamsb
&minus − minus sign, U2212 ISOtech
&lowast ∗ asterisk operator, U2217 ISOtech
&radic √ square root, =radical sign, U221A ISOtech
&prop ∝ proportional to, U221D ISOtech
&infin ∞ infinity, U221E ISOtech
&ang ∠ angle, U2220 ISOamso
&and ⊥ logical and, =wedge, U2227 ISOtech
&or ⊦ logical or, =vee, U2228 ISOtech
&cap ∩ intersection, =cap, U2229 ISOtech
&cup ∪ union, =cup, U222A ISOtech
&int ∫ integral, U222B ISOtech
&there4 ∴ therefore, U2234 ISOtech
&sim ∼ tilde operator, =varies with, =similar to, U223C ISOtech
&cong ≅ approximately equal to, U2245 ISOtech
&asymp ≅ almost equal to, =asymptotic to, U2248 ISOamsr
&ne ≠ not equal to, U2260 ISOtech
&equiv ≡ identical to, U2261 ISOtech
&le ≤ less-than or equal to, U2264 ISOtech
&ge ≥ greater-than or equal to, U2265 ISOtech
&sub ⊂ subset of, U2282 ISOtech
&sup ⊃ superset of, U2283 ISOtech
&nsub ⊄ not a subset of, U2284 ISOamsn
&sube ⊆ subset of or equal to, U2286 ISOtech
&supe ⊇ superset of or equal to, U2287 ISOtech
&oplus ⊕ circled plus, =direct sum, U2295 ISOamsb
&otimes ⊗ circled times, =vector product, U2297 ISOamsb
&perp ⊥ up tack, =orthogonal to, =perpendicular, U22A5 ISOtech
&sdot ⋅ dot operator, U22C5 ISOamsb
Miscellaneous Technical
&lceil ⌈ left ceiling, =apl upstile, U2308, ISOamsc
&rceil ⌉ right ceiling, U2309, ISOamsc
&lfloor ⌊ left floor, =apl downstile, U230A, ISOamsc
&rfloor ⌋ right floor, U230B, ISOamsc
&lang 〈 left-pointing angle bracket, =bra, U2329 ISOtech
&rang 〉 right-pointing angle bracket, =ket, U232A ISOtech
Geometric Shapes
&loz ◊ lozenge, U25CA ISOpub
Miscellaneous Symbols
&spades ♠ black spade suit, U2660 ISOpub
&clubs ♣ black club suit, =shamrock, U2663 ISOpub
&hearts ♥ black heart suit, =valentine, U2665 ISOpub
&diams ♦ black diamond suit, U2666 ISOpub

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