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BOOL Animate_Play(
    HWND hwndAnim, 
    UINT wFrom, 
    UINT wTo, 
    UINT cRepeat

Plays an AVI clip in an animation control. The control plays the clip in the background while the thread continues executing. You can use this macro or send the ACM_PLAY message explicitly.

Handle to the animation control in which to play the AVI clip.
Zero-based index of the frame where playing begins. The value must be less than 65,536. A value of zero means begin with the first frame in the AVI clip.
Zero-based index of the frame where playing ends. The value must be less than 65,536. A value of -1 means end with the last frame in the AVI clip.
Number of times to replay the AVI clip. A value of -1 means replay the clip indefinitely.

You can use Animate_Seek to direct the animation control to display a particular frame of the AVI clip.

The Animate_Play macro is defined in Commctrl.h.

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