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BOOL ShowHideMenuCtl(
    HWND hWnd, 
    UINT uFlags, 
    LPINT lpInfo

Sets or removes the specified menu item's check mark attribute and shows or hides the corresponding control. The function adds a check mark to the specified menu item if it does not have one and then displays the corresponding control. If the menu item already has a check mark, the function removes the check mark and hides the corresponding control.

Handle to the window that contains the menu and controls.
Identifier of the menu item to receive or lose a check mark.
Address of an array that contains pairs of values. The second value in the first pair must be the handle to the application's main menu. Each subsequent pair consists of a menu item identifier and a control window identifier. The function searches the array for a value that matches uFlags and, if the value is found, checks or unchecks the menu item and shows or hides the corresponding control.

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