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typedef struct tagNMCUSTOMDRAWINFO {
    NMHDR  hdr;
    DWORD  dwDrawStage;
    HDC    hdc;
    RECT   rc;
    DWORD  dwItemSpec;
    UINT   uItemState;
    LPARAM lItemlParam;

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message.

NMHDR structure that contains information about this notification message.
Current drawing stage. This value is one of the following.
Global draw stage values
CDDS_POSTERASE After the erasing cycle is complete.
CDDS_POSTPAINT After the painting cycle is complete.
CDDS_PREERASE Before the erasing cycle begins.
CDDS_PREPAINT Before the painting cycle begins.
Item-specific draw stage values
CDDS_ITEM Indicates that the dwItemSpec, uItemState, and lItemlParam members are valid.
CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE After an item has been erased.
CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT After an item has been drawn.
CDDS_ITEMPREERASE Before an item is erased.
CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT Before an item is drawn.
CDDS_SUBITEM Version 4.71. Flag combined with CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT or CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT if a subitem is being drawn. This will only be set if CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW is returned from CDDS_PREPAINT.
Handle to the control's device context. Use this HDC to perform any GDI functions.
RECT structure that describes the bounding rectangle of the area being drawn.
Item number. What is contained in this member will depend on the type of control that is sending the notification. See the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification reference for the specific control to determine what, if anything, is contained in this member.
Current item state. This value is a combination of the following:
CDIS_CHECKED The item is checked.
CDIS_DEFAULT The item is in its default state.
CDIS_DISABLED The item is disabled.
CDIS_FOCUS The item is in focus.
CDIS_GRAYED The item is grayed.
CDIS_HOT The item is currently under the pointer ("hot").
CDIS_INDETERMINATE The item is in an indeterminate state.
CDIS_MARKED The item is marked. The meaning of this is up to the implementation.
CDIS_SELECTED The item is selected.
Application-defined item data.

Version 4.70

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