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    wParam = (WPARAM)(INT) iColor;
    lParam = (LPARAM)(COLORREF) clr;

Sets the color for a given portion of the month calendar within a date and time picker (DTP) control. You can send this message explicitly or use the DateTime_SetMonthCalColor macro.

INT value specifying which month calendar color to set. This value can be one of the following:
MCSC_BACKGROUND Set the background color displayed between months.
MCSC_MONTHBK Set the background color displayed within the month.
MCSC_TEXT Set the color used to display text within a month.
MCSC_TITLEBK Set the background color displayed in the calendar's title.
MCSC_TITLETEXT Set the color used to display text within the calendar's title.
MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT Set the color used to display header day and trailing day text. Header and trailing days are the days from the previous and following months that appear on the current month calendar.
COLORREF value representing the color that will be set for the specified area of the month calendar.

Version 4.70

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