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HWND CreateToolbarEx( HWND hwnd, DWORD ws, UINT wID, int nBitmaps, HINSTANCE hBMInst, UINT wBMID, LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons, int iNumButtons, int dxButton, int dyButton, int dxBitmap, int dyBitmap, UINT uStructSize );Creates a toolbar window and adds the specified buttons to the toolbar.
- Returns the window handle to the toolbar if successful, or NULL otherwise. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
- hwnd
- Handle to the parent window for the toolbar.
- ws
- Window styles for the toolbar. This parameter must specify at least the WS_CHILD style. It can also include a combination of styles as discussed in Toolbar Control and Button Styles.
- wID
- Control identifier for the toolbar.
- nBitmaps
- Number of button images contained in the bitmap specified by hBMInst and wBMID.
- hBMInst
- Module instance with the executable file that contains the bitmap resource.
- Resource identifier for the bitmap resource. If hBMInst is NULL, this parameter must be a valid bitmap handle.
- lpButtons
- Address of an array of TBBUTTON structures that contain information about the buttons to add to the toolbar.
- iNumButtons
- Number of buttons to add to the toolbar.
- dxButton
- Width, in pixels, of the buttons to add to the toolbar.
- dyButton
- Height, in pixels, of the buttons to add to the toolbar.
- dxBitmap
- Width, in pixels, of the button images to add to the buttons in the toolbar.
- dyBitmap
- Height, in pixels, of the button images to add to the buttons in the toolbar.
- uStructSize
- Size of a TBBUTTON structure.
Windows 95: The system can support a maximum of 16,364 window handles.
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