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typedef struct tagTOOLINFO{ UINT cbSize; UINT uFlags; HWND hwnd; UINT uId; RECT rect; HINSTANCE hinst; LPTSTR lpszText; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) LPARAM lParam; #endif } TOOLINFO, NEAR *PTOOLINFO, FAR *LPTOOLINFO;Contains information about a tool in a tooltip control.
- cbSize
- Size of the TOOLINFO structure, in bytes. This member must be specified.
- uFlags
- Set of bit flags. This member can be a combination of the following flags:
TTF_ABSOLUTE Version 4.70. Positions the tooltip window at the same coordinates provided by TTM_TRACKPOSITION. This flag must be used with the TTF_TRACK flag. TTF_CENTERTIP Centers the tooltip window below the tool specified by the uId member. TTF_IDISHWND Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool. If this flag is not set, uId is the tool's identifier. TTF_RTLREADING Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. TTF_SUBCLASS Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the tool's window to intercept messages, such as WM_MOUSEMOVE. If not set, you must use the TTM_RELAYEVENT message to forward messages to the tooltip control. For a list of messages that a tooltip control processes, see TTM_RELAYEVENT. TTF_TRACK Version 4.70. Positions the tooltip window next to the tool to which it corresponds and moves the window according to coordinates supplied by the TTM_TRACKPOSITION messages. You must activate this type of tool using the TTM_TRACKACTIVATE message. TTF_TRANSPARENT Version 4.70. Causes the tooltip control to forward mouse event messages to the parent window. This is limited to mouse events that occur within the bounds of the tip window. - hwnd
- Handle to the window that contains the tool. If lpszText includes the LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK value, this member identifies the window that receives the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
- uId
- Application-defined identifier of the tool. If uFlags includes the TTF_IDISHWND flag, uId must specify the window handle to the tool.
- rect
- Tool's bounding rectangle coordinates. The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the window identified by hwnd. If uFlags includes the TTF_IDISHWND flag, this member is ignored.
- hinst
- Handle to the instance that contains the string resource for the tool. If lpszText specifies the identifier of a string resource, this member is used.
- lpszText
- Address of the buffer that contains the text for the tool, or identifier of the string resource that contains the text. If this member is set to the LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK value, the control sends the TTN_NEEDTEXT notification message to the owner window to retrieve the text.
- lParam
- Version 4.70. A 32-bit application defined value that is associated with the tool.
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