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    wParam = (WPARAM)(int) fLocation;
    lParam = 0;

Positions a tooltip control used by a trackbar control. Trackbar controls that use the TBS_TOOLTIPS style display tooltips.

Value representing the location at which to display the tooltip control. This value can be one of the following:
TBTS_TOP The tooltip control will be positioned above the trackbar. This flag is for use with horizontal trackbars.
TBTS_LEFT The tooltip control will be positioned to the left of the trackbar. This flag is for use with vertical trackbars.
TBTS_BOTTOM The tooltip control will be positioned below the trackbar. This flag is for use with horizontal trackbars.
TBTS_RIGHT The tooltip control will be positioned to the right of the trackbar. This flag is for use with vertical trackbars.

Version 4.70

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