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The IContextMenu3 interface is used to create or merge a context menu associated with a certain object when the menu implementation needs to process the WM_MENUCHAR message.

When to Implement

Implement IContextMenu3 if your context menu extension needs to process the WM_MENUCHAR message.

These messages are forwarded to IContextMenu3—through the HandleMenuMsg2 method—only if a QueryInterface call for an IContextMenu3 interface pointer is successful, indicating that the object supports this interface.

When to Use

You do not call this interface directly. IContextMenu3 is used by the operating system only when it has confirmed that your application is aware of this interface.

IContextMenu3 is derived from IContextMenu2. The following method is specific to IContextMenu3:
IContextMenu3 Method Description
HandleMenuMsg2 Called when the window that owns the menu receives a WM_MENUCHAR message.

Note This interface is only supported in shell versions 4.71 and later.

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