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BOOL PathCompactPath(
    HDC 	hDC,
    LPTSTR 	lpszPath,
    UINT   	dx

Truncates a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipses.

Handle to the device context used for font metrics.
Address of the string to be modified.
Width, in pixels, that the string will be forced to fit within.

This function uses the font currently selected in hDC to calculate the width of the text. This function will not compact the path beyond the base file name preceded by ellipses.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Shlwapi.h"
HDC hdc;  /* display DC handle for current font metrics */ 

void main( void )

	// String path name 1.
	char buffer_1[] = "C:\\path1\\path2\\sample.txt";
	char *lpStr1;
	lpStr1 = buffer_1;
	// String path name 2.
	char buffer_2[] = "C:\\path1\\path2\\sample.txt";
	char *lpStr2;
	lpStr2 = buffer_2;
	// String path name 3.
	char buffer_3[] = "C:\\path1\\path2\\sample.txt";
	char *lpStr3;
	lpStr3 = buffer_3;

	// String path name 4.
	char buffer_4[] = "C:\\path1\\path2\\sample.txt";
	char *lpStr4;
	lpStr4 = buffer_4;
	// Variable to get the return from "PathCompactPath".
	int retval;	
cout << "The un-truncated path is                " << lpStr1 << endl;

retval = PathCompactPath(hdc,lpStr1,125);
cout << "The truncated path at 125 pixels is :   " << lpStr1 << endl;

retval = PathCompactPath(hdc,lpStr2,120);
cout << "The truncated path at 120 pixels is :   " << lpStr2 << endl;

retval = PathCompactPath(hdc,lpStr3,110);
cout << "The truncated path at 110 pixels is :   " << lpStr3 << endl;

retval = PathCompactPath(hdc,lpStr4,25);
cout << "The truncated path at  25 pixels is :   " << lpStr4 << endl;

The un-truncated path is                C:\path1\path2\sample.txt
The truncated path at 125 pixels is :   C:\path1\...\sample.txt
The truncated path at 120 pixels is :   C:\pat...\sample.txt
The truncated path at 110 pixels is :   C:\p...\sample.txt
The truncated path at  25 pixels is :   ...\sample.txt

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