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int StrFromTimeInterval(
    LPSTR pszOut,
    UINT cchMax,
    DWORD dwTimeMS,
    int digits

Converts a given time interval, in milliseconds, to a string.

Address of a character buffer that receives the converted string.
Size of pszOut, in characters.
Time interval in milliseconds.
Minimum number of digits to be converted.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Shlwapi.h"

void main( void )
	char TimeString[256];
	char *pszOut;
	pszOut = TimeString;

cout << "The return value from the call to"
	 << "\nthe function StrFromTimeInterval will"
	 << "\nreturn the number of elements in the buffer: " << endl;

cout << "\nThe return from StrFromTimeInterval is " 
     << StrFromTimeInterval(pszOut,30, 34000,30);
cout << "\nThe contents of the TimeString Buffer " << pszOut << endl;

cout << "The return from StrFromTimeInterval is " 
     << StrFromTimeInterval(pszOut,30, 74000,3);
cout << "\nThe contents of the TimeString Buffer " << pszOut << endl;

cout << "The return from StrFromTimeInterval is " 
     << StrFromTimeInterval(pszOut,30, 74000,2);
cout << "\nThe contents of the TimeString Buffer " << pszOut << endl;

cout << "The return from StrFromTimeInterval is " 
     << StrFromTimeInterval(pszOut,30, 74000,1)
     << "\nThe contents of the TimeString Buffer " << pszOut << endl;


- - - - -
The return value from the call to
the function StrFromTimeInterval will
return the number of elements in the buffer:

The return from StrFromTimeInterval is 7
The contents of the TimeString Buffer  34 sec
The return from StrFromTimeInterval is 13
The contents of the TimeString Buffer  1 min 14 sec
The return from StrFromTimeInterval is 13
The contents of the TimeString Buffer  1 min 10 sec
The return from StrFromTimeInterval is 6
The contents of the TimeString Buffer  1 min

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