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BOOL StrIsIntlEqual(
    BOOL fCaseSens, 
    LPCTSTR lpString1, 
    LPCTSTR lpString2,
    int nChar

#define StrIntlEqN(s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqual(TRUE, s1, s2, nChar)
#define StrIntlEqNI(s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqual(FALSE, s1, s2, nChar)

Compares a specified number of characters in two strings to determine if they are equal. This function allows you to set the case sensitivity for the search. The StrIntlEqN and StrIntlEqNI macros can be used to call this function. StrIntlEqN performs the comparison with case sensitivity, and StrIntlEqNI performs the comparison without case sensitivity.

Determines the case sensitivity of the comparison. If this value is nonzero, the comparison is case sensitive. If this value is zero, the comparison is not case sensitive.
Address of the first string to be compared.
Address of the second string to be compared.
Number of characters to compare.

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