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HRESULT Address(
    ULONG FAR * lpulUIParam
    LPADRPARM lpAdrParms,
    LPADRLIST FAR * lppAdrList

Displays user interface to browse the address book contents and to select recipients from the address book. The UI behavior is specified by a number of flags and parameters in lpAdrParms. Internet Explorer Address Book will not support some of the customization features of the MAPI IAddrBook::Address method. Internet Explorer Address Book will also not support the MAPI Send Options dialog button.

Input-output parameter containing the handle of the parent window of the dialog box. On input, a window handle must always be passed. On output, if the DIALOG_SDI flag is set in the lpAdrParms parameter's ADRPARM structure, the window handle of the modeless dialog box is returned.
Input-output parameter pointing to an ADRPARM structure that controls the presentation and behavior of the addressing dialog box.
Input-output parameter that on input points to a variable holding a pointer to an ADRLIST structure holding the current recipient list. On output, the lppAdrList parameter points to a variable where the pointer to an ADRPARM structure updated by IAddrBook::Address is stored. lppAdrList can be NULL on input.

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