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typedef struct _SRestriction
    ULONG   rt;
        SComparePropsRestriction    resCompareProps;
        SAndRestriction             resAnd;
        SOrRestriction              resOr;
        SNotRestriction             resNot;
        SContentRestriction         resContent;
        SPropertyRestriction        resProperty;
        SBitMaskRestriction         resBitMask;
        SSizeRestriction            resSize;
        SExistRestriction           resExist;
        SSubRestriction             resSub;
        SCommentRestriction         resComment;
    } res;
} SRestriction;

Describes a filter for limiting the view of a table to particular rows.

Restriction type. Possible values are:
RES_AND SRestriction structure describes an AND restriction, which applies a bitwise AND operation to a restriction.
RES_BITMASK SRestriction structure describes a bitmask restriction, which applies a bitmask to a property value.
RES_COMMENT SRestriction structure describes a comment restriction, which associates a comment with a restriction.
RES_COMPAREPROPS SRestriction structure describes a compare properties restriction, which compares two property values.
RES_CONTENT SRestriction structure describes a content restriction, which searches a property value for specific content.
RES_EXIST SRestriction structure describes an exist restriction, which determines if a property is supported.
RES_NOT SRestriction structure describes a NOT restriction, which applies a logical NOT operation to a restriction.
RES_OR SRestriction structure describes an OR restriction, which applies a logical OR operation to a restriction.
RES_PROPERTY SRestriction structure describes a property restriction, which determines if a property value matches a particular value.
RES_SIZE SRestriction structure describes a size restriction, which determines if a property value is a particular size.
RES_SUBRESTRICTION SRestriction structure describes a subobject restriction, which applies a restriction to a message's attachments or recipients.
Union of restriction structures describing the filter to be applied. The specific structure included in the res member depends on the value of the rt member. The mapping between restriction type and structure is listed in the following table.
Restriction type Structure
RES_AND SAndRestriction
RES_BITMASK SBitMaskRestriction
RES_COMMENT SCommentRestriction
RES_COMPAREPROPS SComparePropsRestriction
RES_CONTENT SContentRestriction
RES_EXIST SExistRestriction
RES_NOT SNotRestriction
RES_OR SOrRestriction
RES_PROPERTY SPropertyRestriction
RES_SIZE SSizeRestriction

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