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HRESULT HlinkGoBack(
    IUnknown *pUnk    //IUnknown pointer to the initiating document or object

Executes a hyperlink jump backward within the navigation stack.

[in] Address of the IUnknown interface on the document or object that is initiating the hyperlink. Must not be NULL.

The HlinkGoBack helper function should be used by all applications, documents, and objects that have simple navigational needs. This single function call will "do the right thing" depending on whether the navigation is originating from within a hyperlink frame or within a hyperlink-unaware application.

The specified pointer pUnk must point to an object that is hosted within a hyperlink-aware container, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or an ActiveX hyperlink frame.

Note that this function will work only if the object calling the function is the current object in the navigation stack. In HTML pages with frame sets, HlinkGoBack only affects the current frame.

See also HlinkGoForward

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