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HRESULT GetObject(
    IMoniker * pimk,         //Moniker interface pointer of the object being retrieved
    BOOL fBindIfRootRegistered,    //Determines binding to the moniker and retrieval of the object
    IUnknown ** ppiunk       //Location to receive the unknown interface pointer of requested object

Retrieves an object previously registered in the browse context.

[in,unique] Used to identify the object being retrieved.
[in] If set to TRUE, this method binds to the moniker and retrieves the object (if the object referred to by pimk is not registered in the browse context).
[out] Indirect pointer to the IUnknown interface of the object being retrieved.

If the object referred to by pimk is not registered in the browse context, this method binds to the full moniker and retrieves the object if the following conditions are met:

See also IHlinkBrowseContext::Register

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