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*Previous Topic: HTML Dialog Boxes
*Next Topic: Creating an HTML Resource


    HWND hwndParent, 
    IMoniker *pmk, 
    VARIANT *pvarArgIn, 
    TCHAR* pchOptions, 
    VARIANT *pvarArgOut

Defines the function type for ShowHTMLDialog. This function creates a modal dialog box that contains HTML. The function does not return until the dialog box has been dismissed. The address of this function must be obtained by loading Mshtml.dll with LoadLibrary and then getting the address of ShowHTMLDialog with GetProcAddress.

Handle to the window that will be the owner of the dialog box. This window will be disabled for the life of the dialog box. If this value is NULL, the dialog box is not owned.
Address of an IMoniker interface that identifies the source of the HTML that will be contained in the dialog box.
Address of a VARIANT that contains the input data for the dialog box. The data passed in this VARIANT is placed in the window object's dialogArguments property. This parameter can be NULL.
Window ornaments for the dialog box. This parameter can be NULL or the address of a string that contains a combination of values, each separated by a ';'. See the description of the features parameter of the showModalDialog method of the window object for detailed information.
Address of a VARIANT that contains the output data for the dialog box. This VARIANT receives the data that was placed in the window object's returnValue property. This parameter can be NULL.

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