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This interface specifies that the contained controls take part in a form.

When programming the form, all control-like elements are added to the form as named items. In addition, these items are exposed through the IHTMLFormElement::item method.

When the focus is on a control in a form, pressing the ESC key once causes the value of the control to revert back to the last value, and pressing the ESC key again resets the form.

If one and only one text box is on a form, pressing ENTER fires the onsubmit event. If the form has a submit button, the button appears with a dark border, indicating that pressing ENTER submits the form.

This element is a block element.

IHTMLFormElement Methods
put_action   get_action   put_dir  
get_dir   put_encoding   get_encoding  
put_method   get_method   get_elements  
put_target   get_target   put_name  
get_name   put_onsubmit   get_onsubmit  
put_onreset   get_onreset   submit  
reset   put_length   get_length  
get__newEnum   item   tags  

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